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Will LASIK Make My Eyes Dry?

LASIK eye surgery is an awesome option for anyone who is tired of wearing glasses, is sick of losing contact lenses, and wants to have a face totally free from any kind of device. If you are among some of our most valued patients who are tired of failing their eye exams, you are probably … Read more

Why you should stop rubbing your eyes NOW

Rubbing your eyes is a completely normal response. When you get an itch, or they feel a little dry, most of us give into the temptation to rub them because the movement stimulates tear production, which can alleviate your immediate symptoms. However, it is also one of the worst things you can do for the … Read more

Young woman rubbing eyes wondering why does LASIK cause dry eye

Why Does LASIK Cause Dry Eye? (And How to Remedy It)

One of the most advanced and progressive vision correction procedures today is LASIK eye surgery. LASIK provides an opportunity to improve eyesight without the use of a blade. At Advanced Eye Medical, we specialize in laser-based procedures that can improve the state of your eyes without the need to cut into them. It’s one of … Read more

Why are our Eyes Red When You Wake Up?

Have you ever woken up and walked over to the mirror only to find that your eyes are completely bloodshot? If so, you are not alone. While many attribute blood shot ideas to drug use, there are actually a variety of reasons aside from that which can cause your eyes to look red and irritated … Read more

Does Dehydration Affect Vision?

Dehydration of the body occurs when there is a lack of fluid intake.  With water exiting our body every day through sweat and urination, it’s essential to replace the same amount of fluid being released to maintain a healthy balance.  Staying hydrated also helps your body’s organs to function properly.  The skin, blood, heart, and … Read more

Do You See What I See? Avoiding Dry Eye During the Holiday Season

The holidays are a wonderful time of year filled with love, giving, and many, many parties. Because of all the festivities that occur during this time of year, it is important to be able to enjoy them without any hindrance; however, this time of year also comes with harsh weather that could cause some problems … Read more

Reasons your Eyes are Bloodshot

When the whites of your eyes look red and irritated, what do you do? Many people reach for lubricating eye drops. Though these may be a temporary salve, bloodshot eyes may require serious consideration, and may even require a call to your Orange County eye doctor. Your eyes get red when tiny blood vessels on … Read more

Young woman with her eye dry

Does Dehydration Affect Your Eyes?

While many are familiar with the causes and severity of dehydration, few know the detrimental impact that it can have on your eyes. According to University Health News, the eyes are especially vulnerable to the effects of dehydration. They go on to site that “when deprived of water, cells shrink and fail to transport nutrients, … Read more

Exhausted businessman having pain in eyes

Symptoms and Causes of Dry Eye Syndrome

There are a variety of causes for dry eyes including exposure to a dry climate (like in the desert or on an airplane), air conditioning or a heater in the winter, or it might simply be a result of a lack of balance in your tears. Our tears are a combination of water, oils, mucus … Read more

woman suffering from dry eyes

Why Are Your Eyes Dry?

The severity of dry eyes differs from person to person, but the problem is a common one and happens when your eyes don’t produce enough tears or produce poor quality tears. Dry eyes can cause those peepers to be very uncomfortable and may produce burning or stinging. Some experience the symptoms of dry eyes in … Read more