Does Eyelid Surgery Fix Ptosis?

Ptosis is an unfortunate condition that can cause an individual’s skin to droop over their eyelids, obstructing their vision and possibly creating serious health risks due to the hazards involved. For this reason, it is highly advised that a patient try to resolve this issue before it hits this point. But does eyelid surgery fix ptosis?

Fortunately, there are several different options available for those who are intent on resolving this issue. One of the most effective is an upper blepharoplasty, a type of eyelid surgery that removes excess eyelid skin surrounding this part of the face.

Does Eyelid Surgery Fix Ptosis?

If you suffer from ptosis and are curious about the benefits of eyelid surgery, take a look at this overview.

What Is Ptosis?

Ptosis is often easy to diagnose. To put it simply, one or both eyes’ drooping eyelids are the primary symptom. Usually, ptosis is detected by a very slight alteration in the patient’s eyesight. On rare occasions, this may be accompanied by fatigue and eye irritation. To find out if what you’re seeing is ptosis or something else, you can usually rely on your doctor’s expertise.

In more serious versions of ptosis, the drooping eyelid skin can begin to interfere with one’s ability to perform day-to-day tasks such as driving and operating heavy machinery. In this case, it becomes easier to get your eyelid surgery covered by insurance providers, as it can be considered medically concerning. You’ll be able to discuss whether this is possible with your physician.

Looking into Blepharoplasty

For more serious cases of ptosis, upper eyelid surgery is called on to rectify the problem. During this procedure, excess skin surrounding the eyes is removed to prevent obscuration of vision. There are several different types of eyelid surgery, with each one being designed to address different types of issues with the eyes.

The treatment for ptosis, a condition affecting the upper eyelids, is known as upper eyelid surgery. During an upper eyelid procedure known as a blepharoplasty, your doctor works with the surrounding muscles and skin to restore the eyelids to their normal, symmetrical shape. Usually, this is enough to stop the ptosis and get the eye region back to how it was before the ptosis.

The recommended surgery to address the problem is blepharoplasty. Blepharoplasty, sometimes known as eyelid surgery, is a procedure that can reduce or eradicate ptosis.

Will I Qualify for Eyelid Surgery?

Most individuals who are interested in receiving eyelid surgery should find themselves qualified to receive treatment. However, some individuals who are suffering from various chronic health issues may find themselves unable to qualify. The following conditions may obstruct an individual’s ability to receive treatment:

  • Chronic health issues such as diabetes or cancer
  • You are a current smoker
  • You have a history of botched eyelid surgeries
  • You have a health condition that affects your blood flow

You’ll be able to go over your various medical and aesthetic concerns with your physician during a pre-surgical consultation. This type of consultation will occur prior to any real medical work being done.

Determining Your Eligibility

Generally speaking, after your preoperative consultation and medical screening, you will have a clearer idea of whether you are a good candidate for upper eyelid surgery.

You’ll also have a clearer understanding of how upper eyelid surgery and your Ptosis restoration procedure will function together.

Many topics, including your personal health, surgical history, and family medical history, will be covered during this time. This is also your chance to talk to your doctor about your particular set of cosmetic objectives.

Making a Plan with Your Experience

Each person’s experience with ptosis is unique. So your doctor will probably recommend a course of treatment and set of instructions based on their assessment of your unique needs in the context of your circumstances.

In addition to asking questions regarding your specific case of ptosis, your doctor will also want to know about your overall physical health and past medical history.

Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that you receive the greatest care customized to your unique needs. In light of this, it would also be advantageou to talk about any specific expectations. Also ask about any concerns you may have before the surgery.

The Best Eyelid Surgeon in Southern California

Advanced Eye Medical is one of the most respected eyelid surgeons in Orange County. If you suspect that you could benefit from a well-executed eyelid surgery, don’t hesitate to contact our Orange County eye surgeon.