Why are our Eyes Red When You Wake Up?

Have you ever woken up and walked over to the mirror only to find that your eyes are completely bloodshot? If so, you are not alone. While many attribute blood shot ideas to drug use, there are actually a variety of reasons aside from that which can cause your eyes to look red and irritated when you wake up. For more information on blood shot eyes and the overall health of your vision, contact Dr. Ghosheh at Advanced Eye Medical today.

#1. Allergies

With over 50 million Americans reportedly suffering with allergies, it is not too surprising that many report their allergens being the direct cause of their red eyes. Since allergies often result in dry, itchy eyes, rubbing them can create a path for particles and other irritants to lodge themselves inside the eye and cause an inflamed, red look. If you are prone to experiencing allergies or chronically experience dry eyes, make sure to do what you can to protect your eyes and keep them healthy. For some it can be as simple as consistently wearing glasses to protect them, and for others it may include a visit to a professional and eye drops.

#2. Fatigue

If you have been particularly stressed, been looking at the computer screen more often than usual, or have not been getting proper sleep, then fatigue can be the reason that you are experiencing red eyes when you wake up. Symptoms of eye fatigue are often a bloodshot look, burning sensation, and/or unusual blurriness. If this sounds like what you have been experiencing, then it is important to get some rest and allow your eyes to recuperate. This can be achieved through getting a solid eight hours of sleep, using protective glasses, and making sure to take frequent breaks from electronics.

#3. Injury

If you have experienced any injuries to your eye or the area surrounding your eye, then that may be the cause of your red eyes when you wake up. Although more serious examples, like a black eye, often come to mind when thinking of injuries your eyes can sustain, it is important to note that even minor injuries can cause it. For example, getting soap or a foreign chemical in your eye can cause enough irritation to produce that red look. If you have sustained any injuries to your eyes and symptoms have not been going away, it is important to speak with a professional eye doctor to ensure an effective treatment is implemented.

#4. Infection

Another cause for red eyes is infection. An infection can be caused by a transfer of bacteria, and can be treated to ensure full functionally and comfort is restored. One common example of a transfer of bacteria resulting in an eye infection is pink eye. Since an infection is very serious, it is important to note your symptoms and talk directly with a professional as soon as possible. To get more information on the health of your eyes and to schedule an eye exam, contact Advanced Eye Medical immediately.

Experiencing red eyes when you wake up is not pleasant and often can cause concern. To ensure the overall health of your eyes and to restore their color back to their natural look, make sure to take note of your symptoms, do your research, and visit the professionals to get on track to effective relief from symptoms. For more information from the team at Advanced Eye Medical, contact us today.