Woman in the dark

How Do Your Eyes Adjust to the Dark?

One of the most fascinating and adaptable organs in the human body is the eye. Sight is one of the five senses and arguably one of the more important ones as vision is a major aspect of daily life. One of the most remarkable aspects of one’s eyes and vision is the ability for our … Read more

Portrait of playful woman using hands to make a frame

How Our Vision Operates Like Photography

The human eye and a camera have a lot more in common than we think. Both process images, perceive different tones, while seeing near and far. The only difference is that the human eye does not process images well in the dark, where special cameras can. The rest of their features function very similarly. In … Read more

Eye Floaters and Flashers: Should I Be Concerned?

Eye floaters are specks, flecks, spots and cobwebs that appear in your field of vision. In addition, eye flashers are flickers of light or the appearance of lightning bolts that are not there. Both are quite common in fact 7 out of 10 people have experienced the phenomenon of eye flashers and floaters. And while … Read more