Why Winter is the Best Time for LASIK

If you are thinking about an investment in LASIK surgery to improve your vision, you want to make sure to plan ahead, so you have some time to stay rested. Because of this, a lot of our patients wonder what the best time of year is to undergo this type of helpful procedure. Well, it’s winter! But why is winter the best time for Lasik?

Our LASIK Orange County specialists at Advanced Eye Medical explain why winter is the best time for LASIK, from additional recovery time to special tax write-offs. If you are preparing for laser surgery, make sure your January or February schedule is free!

Why Winter is the Best Time for LASIK: New Years’ Resolution

It can be helpful to come up with an actionable item for your New Years’ resolution that will inspire confidence and make you feel like a whole new you. The perfect way to inspire meaningful changes in your life is to start the new year off strong by committing to a procedure that will improve your eyesight greatly. Plus, once you get it done early, you have the rest of the year to enjoy its benefits!

Long Winter Break

Many people have vacation and holiday time during the winter that they can take advantage of by relaxing with time off work. Use this time to invest in a LASIK procedure so you have as much time and space as you need for your eyes to fully heal. 

However, you can rest assured that LASIK Eye Surgery recovery time is very short, so you don’t necessarily need to request extra time off from work to recover. It is still a good idea to schedule this procedure when you know you will have time off from work, in case of additional complications or necessary procedures. 

Cold Weather is Good 

There has been scientific evidence to show that recovery from LASIK eye procedure is better and easier when the climate is cold. In addition, colder weather and lower levels of humidity during the LASIK procedure itself is actually better for the surgery. Cold weather lowers the chances that you will need a second procedure or a corrective surgery. 

At Advanced Eye Medical, we strive for the very best in quality and conditions for your LASIK eye surgery. If you have any questions about eye surgery and the weather, get in touch with our medical staff today. 

Tax Purchases 

Another reason why you should invest in a LASIK procedure at the beginning of the year? You’re getting a tax refund! When you know exactly how much money is coming your way, it is easier to justify a large purchase such as a procedure or surgery. Not to mention, this is a much-needed medical treatment, so it is important to invest in yourself and your own care. 

It is easier than ever to get LASIK eye surgery at your convenience, especially during the winter season. If you expect a big tax refund, get ahead of the game and book a winter appointment. You may even be able to write it off on next year’s taxes as well! 

Start the New Year Right with LASIK Eye Surgery!

Poor vision is a hindrance to everyday life. As your eyesight gets worse, you will find it more and more difficult to perform simple tasks. The best solution to improve your vision with hardly any pain or recovery time is to invest in LASIK surgery. 

At Advanced Eye Medical, our laser eye correction Orange County services are available all year-round. You can book your winter appointment by giving our friendly staff members a call at your earliest convenience. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Ghosheh and learn more about your vision needs.