Why Do Eyelids Droop As We Age?

Do you notice your eyelids are sagging? Droopy eyes could indicate many conditions. It is important to contact your Orange County eye surgeon for a more detailed examination. Sagging skin is most likely a sign that you are getting older, according to your doctor. Why do eyelids droop as we age, exactly?

Why Do Eyelids Droop As We Age?

Understanding the skin’s characteristics is crucial to ensure you get the best possible treatment. Our doctor will discuss the causes and symptoms of droopy eyes. We also provide treatment options. If you have upper eyelids that are falling in front of your eyes, keep these tips in mind.

Eyelid Drooping Explained

Excessive eyelid sagging can be caused by many things, all of which can be linked to age. Some of the most common causes of drooping eyelids over time include:


Ptosis refers to the condition where your eyelid edges are lower than they should be. This causes dramatic sagging. This is the most common reason for eyelid drooping. It can also be responsible for other conditions and symptoms.


Sagging skin is a natural part of aging, although there are treatments to combat these inevitable symptoms. As you age, your eyelid muscles become weaker, making it harder for them to stay up. You may also notice a looser skin appearance as you age. This is because the skin loses elasticity as you age, causing the skin to droop. 

Injury or Trauma

Some people are born with eyelid defects, while others might have experienced a neurological trauma or physical injury that has caused their eyelids to droop. It doesn’t matter what the reason for eyelid drooping is, it is important that you see a specialist immediately and get professional treatment.

More About Aging

Your eyelids are held up by the “levator” muscles. As you age, the skin and surrounding tissue become thinner and less elastic. This can cause your eyelids to droop over time. Treatment may not be necessary. If you are unable to see well or dislike the appearance of your eyelids, you may need surgery. Your eyelid can also be affected by skin hanging above it. This is called dermatochalasis and can appear like ptosis. The difference should be obvious to your doctor.

Treating Your Droopy Eyelids

There are many possible causes of ptosis. Your doctor will need to run a series of tests to find the right one. A physical exam of the eyelids and a visual field test may be necessary to diagnose ptosis.

Your doctor will recommend treatment based on the results of the test. You can treat mild cases with a topical cream or skin tightening. Blepharoplasty, which is also known as eyelid surgery, will be required for more severe cases.

Upper Eyelid Surgery: The Big Benefits

There is no better way to get rid of excess skin and droopiness on your face than an upper blepharoplasty. An upper blepharoplasty can deliver outstanding results if you have excess skin or bulges.

Blepharoplasty also has other benefits:

  • Face rejuvenation to restore a youthful look
  • Eliminating obstacles can improve your vision
  • Remove wrinkles and bags from your eyes
  • More rested
  • More positive social conversations
  • This is a huge confidence booster

This treatment has two important benefits. It can prevent serious medical problems and can also restore your inner beauty. Instead of worrying about how you look, you can spend more time looking in the mirror and enjoying your appearance.

Get Rid of Drooping Skin Today!

Contact your eye surgeon immediately if your droopy eyelids prevent you from enjoying social activities and cause blurred vision. Find out more about the advantages of eyelid surgery in Orange County when you contact our certified eye surgeon today. We can schedule a custom consultation with you to ensure you are getting the best care. Start on a treatment plan and reverse the negative effects of aging ASAP!