What Causes Gradual Vision Loss? Should You be Worried?

It’s no secret that our eyes deteriorate over time. As you grow older, your vision begins to weaken, much like other aspects of your body as well. One of the biggest concerns our Advanced Eye Medical patients are faced with is the fear that their vision will go fast, without anything to stop it. But a further analysis of vision loss and its causes can help to calm your mind. Not every type of vision loss is inevitable, and there are some things you can do to avoid or prolong it such as the revolutionary iLasik procedure.

The Common Causes of Vision Loss

Some types of vision loss are more common than others. Understanding these different forms and their associated symptoms can help you manage your own worries and concerns, and come up with a plan to treat symptoms. Some of the most common types of vision loss include:

  • AMD/Age-Related Macular Degeneration: The leading cause of vision loss in the elderly. This is a condition developed over time as you age. A slow progression of central vision loss is the hallmark symptom for AMD.
  • Glaucoma: Most glaucoma patients do not develop symptoms until middle age or older. This is a disease that damages nerves in the eyes, making it more and more difficult to see.
  • Cataracts: This occurs when the lenses of the eye become cloudy, blocking vision. This comes with age and is treated with cataract surgery.

Visionloss.org defines any kind of vision loss as a condition that cannot be corrected with glasses or contacts. These conditions are often more serious and require more intensive treatments. Vision loss is not the same as blindness.

Treatment and Prevention Options

While some conditions come with age, others may be due to causes that can be avoided or treated. Analyzing some of the common causes can make it easier to figure out your own symptoms. Remember to contact us at any time you want to discuss your vision loss.

Common causes are:

  • Diabetic retinopathy: Diabetes creates a higher blood pressure than normal, which can severely affect your vision – if not the rest of your body as well. It’s important to get regular check-ups so your diabetes symptoms don’t get out of hand.
  • Optic nerve damage: Unfortunately, the optic nerve can get damaged easily. It’s due to the sensitivity of the nerve. This can cause things like tunnel vision, which is a sign of vision loss.

Depending on the severity and speed of your vision loss, you may be able to seek emergency treatment. Other treatment plans for more gradual cases may involve a combination of medical and surgical treatment options.

Get your signs and symptoms checked ASAP. If you suspect that you may be dealing with vision loss, or you have been having trouble seeing lately, please reach out to Dr. Ghosheh at any time. There may be hope for saving your vision.

iLasik with Dr. Ghosheh

At Advanced Eye Medical, it’s our duty to provide the very best in vision care and treatment. When our patients express concerns over difficulty seeing, we take it seriously. Whether you are dealing with macular degeneration, cataracts, or are interested in iLasik, do not worry. These are common conditions that our team can help treat.

If you’re interested in learning more about the options available for fading vision, please get in touch with us right away. We would be happy to provide a consultation and make an appointment to measure your vision loss.

For more information, please contact us online or give us a call at 866-997-2020. We look forward to helping you!