Tips for Fast Recovery After Lasik

According to the American Refractive Surgery Council, total recovery from Lasik can take between three and six months. While you can resume normal activities just a few days after surgery, taking care of your eyes during this extended recovery period can shorten its length and decrease the risk of complications. Let’s look at some tips for fast recovery after Lasik.

Tips for Fast Recovery After Lasik

If a shorter and safer recovery sounds promising to you, you will want to know the top tips for recovering quickly after Lasik. 

Do Not Touch Your Eyes

Your eyes are going to be sensitive following your iDesign Lasik in Orange County. It is really important that you do not touch the area surrounding your eyes, as you could introduce bacteria or cause further irritation. 

Do Not Rub Your Eyes

While touching your eyes is not good, rubbing them could be even worse. Unfortunately, a common side effect of the procedure is irritation of the eyes, so you may be tempted. If you find yourself unconsciously reaching up to rub your eyes, consider wearing some kind of eye protection. 

Take Time to Rest

Rest and hydration are your best friends when it comes to pushing the healing process along. During those first few days and into the following weeks, you should take the time to rest whenever you can. Even closing your eyes for ten minutes or so can help. 

Attend All Follow-Up Appointments

Serious complications from Lasik are exceedingly rare. With that said, it is still important to check-in with your eye surgeon in Orange County at set times following surgery. These appointments help to ensure that you’re healing properly and safely. 

Opt for a Bath Over Showers

Showers are relaxing and convenient, but they may not be the best choice in the weeks following your surgery. Try enjoying your baths instead so that you can keep the water away from your eyes. 

Protect Your Eyes Against Physical Damage

It’s safe to resume most physical activities within a week or so of your surgery. However, it is important that you avoid any direct contact with your eyes. 

If you regularly engage in any sort of contact sport or other activity where something or someone could hit you in the face, then avoid that activity or wear eye protection. 

Avoid Bright Light

Your eyes are going to be a bit sensitive in the weeks following your surgery. Bright lights can be particularly irritating. For your own comfort and safety, you will want to wear full coverage sunglasses during the day. 

You may need to avoid night driving for a while, as traffic and vehicle lights may make it difficult for you to see clearly during the initial stages of healing. 

Avoid High Elevations If Possible

Lasik has made significant strides over the last couple decades, which have helped to remove some of the downsides associated with earlier versions of the procedure. With that said, very high elevations may cause irritation during recovery.

Unless you live at a high elevation, it is best for your comfort and general healing to avoid elevations over 15,000 feet for the first few weeks. Once you’re sufficiently healed, you shouldn’t have any complications at elevation. 

Follow All Recovery Protocols

Most importantly, your healing will depend on you following the protocols set up by your doctor. While there are general rules for Lasik recovery, your doctor will factor in your personal health history and medications to create the best post-operative plan for you. 

Prior to having Lasik, you should go over these protocols with your doctor so that you have all the necessary supplies and help ready on the day of surgery.