Swimming and Your Eyes

With the weather heating up and summer in full swing, now is the time for everyone to enjoy the pool. Whether you spend your time lounging with friends, taking a casual dip after yard work, or getting a good workout, you may experience eye irritation caused by the chlorine in pools. This stinging and burning sensation is annoying for anyone, but it is even more important for LASIK patients to be cautious. After spending so much money on your eyes, you want to take every precaution to keep them in pristine condition. At Advanced Eye Medical we are here to help you with all your Orange County LASIK needs, and answer any questions you may have about recovery and maintenance after the surgery.

Why It’s Important to Protect Your Eyes From Chlorine

You may not realize it, but your eyes are constantly tearing up. Every time we blink, our eye creates a protective thin layer of tears called the tear film that keeps our eyes smooth, moist, and clear. There are many things that cause our eyes to feel dry, such as not blinking for a long time. Swimming is no exception because harmful chemicals, like chlorine, are present in the water. It’s possible that this not only leads to eye irritation, but to infection as well. These tears do a lot to protect our eyes, so we should help them out as much as possible. Here are some things that you can do to prevent pain and irritation to your eyes when swimming.

Wear Goggles

Goggles are the most obvious answer because they keep the irritant of chlorine out of your eyes. Especially for those that like to swim for sport, it is important to keep your eyes protected because you are most likely training in the water for extended periods of time. Another added benefit is that you can see better while swimming when using goggles, which is extremely helpful for competitive swimming. Utilizing goggles is beneficial for everyone, however, and will protect recreational swimmers just as much as professional. Be sure to find a pair that fits well because you do not want to trade eye irritation for nose or face pain. The first place to begin is the nose, and to make sure you have an adjustable nosepiece. Proper nose fit is important because the majority of the problems arise when it comes to leaking and the nose strap helps mitigate these issues.

Close Your Eyes Underwater

It seems like another obvious statement, but if you do not have access to goggles for an impromptu pool session, try to keep your eyes exposed as little as possible to the pool water. The next best thing to goggles is our body’s natural goggles: our eyelids. This may prevent you from seeing underwater, but it will save you a lot of pain afterwards.

Treat Your Eyes Afterwards

The two best ways to help prevent your eyes from having long-term irritation after swimming is by washing your eyes or using eye drops. By flushing your eyes with clean water right after swimming, you will wash away most of the chlorine that will cause the irritation. It may not clean all of the chlorine out, but it allows the eyes to recover faster. Using eye drops before and after swimming helps keep the tear film of your eye intact and prevents the chlorine from doing too much damage. The worst thing you can do for your eyes is to neglect them when they are exposed to harmful chemicals. For any questions you have regarding Orange County LASIK, or other eye related questions, contact Advanced Eye Medical.

Everybody wants to have fun in the pool, and you don’t have to be the only person left sitting out from the party. Just be sure to take proper care of your eyes and try to prevent the length of their exposure to harmful chemicals like chlorine. Advanced Eye Medical is a premier location to get Orange County LASIK and can help you prevent any damage to your eyes by contacting our knowledgeable staff here.