Preparing for Eyelid Surgery

Patients undergo eyelid surgery for a range of reasons. While some of these may be cosmetic, there are legitimate medical reasons to choose eyelid surgery. Regardless of the reason, all patients who are about to proceed with eyelid surgery should be well aware of the risks and the necessary preparation. For the most personalized information, talk to your Advanced Eye Medical eye surgeon. Now, let’s look at preparing for eyelid surgery.

Preparing for Eyelid Surgery

Until then, here is a general guide on the steps that may be required to prepare you for a safe and successful eyelid surgery in Orange County

An Initial Medical Evaluation

Prior to scheduling your eyelid surgery, your doctor will need to perform an initial medical evaluation. For the most part it’s a standard physical. They may ask you questions about your family medical history as well as your personal medical history in order to ascertain whether surgery poses any additional risks for you. 

Your doctor will also check your heart rate, blood pressure, and other vitals. These aren’t just indicators of general health. Less than ideal respiratory or cardiovascular conditions could expose you to greater risk. Knowing about them allows your doctor to adjust their approach to best suit your needs. 

Lab Testing

Unfortunately, there are plenty of things that your doctor cannot detect during a physical examination. In order to catch stealthier health problems that could interfere with the procedure, your doctor may order a full set of labs prior to setting your surgery. 

This isn’t always the case, and your doctor may not require them if you’re young and healthy. However, it’s a good idea to have your labs done once a year, so you might as well get them done prior to your surgery. It’s always better to be safe when you have the choice. 

Medication Alterations

Your doctor will ask you about your current medications during the evaluation process. It is vital that you provide a complete list of medications that you regularly take or may take within a few days of your procedure. Depending on your medications and your health history, you might have to make some alterations to your medication schedule in the days leading up to surgery. 

Lifestyle Changes

Your doctor doesn’t exist to judge you. They go to work everyday with the intent to provide you with the best healthcare they can. The unfortunate truth is that some of our vices aren’t particularly good for us, and they can cause serious issues during and after surgery. 

If you drink or smoke, your doctor will likely ask you to refrain for at least a few weeks leading up to surgery as well as through the duration of the healing process. Unfortunately, both habits have a tendency to hamper our bodies’ natural ability to heal. For the surgery to be successful, you have to heal as quickly and effectively as possible. 

Avoid Anticoagulants

A number of over-the-counter drugs can cause serious problems for patients during and after surgery. Medications like aspirin and other anti-inflammatories prevent blood from clotting normally. These are classified as anticoagulants, and they can increase bleeding and bruising

Your doctor will warn you about these kinds of medications. However, if you’re the kind of person who even occasionally takes over-the-counter medications or herbal supplements, then you should discuss them with your doctor to ensure the best possible health outcomes for yourself. 

Surgery Preparedness

These steps may seem a bit arduous, but they exist for your safety. Your eyelid surgeon wants to ensure that you are safe and happy with your results once the healing process is complete. It takes a little bit of patience and a lot of resolve, but it is definitely worth it.