Preparing for Eyelid Surgery

It is difficult to prepare for eye surgery, especially if your concerns are high. You are likely to be anxious before any major surgery. However, knowing the steps you can take in order to prepare can help you feel more confident. Let’s look at preparing for eyelid surgery.

Preparing for Eyelid Surgery

Here are some tips from the office of your trusted Orange County Eye Surgeonthat will help you prepare and feel confident for your laser eye surgery. Make sure to contact your friendly team of experts if you have any questions or concerns going into the procedure.

Go Over Your Medical History

Your eye doctor will need to be informed about your medical history in order to prepare for your surgery. It is vital information that doctors have to be aware of in order to avoid allergic reactions or medical problems during surgery. This is the time to tell your eye doctor about any eye problems, past or present, any medications you take, and any other health issues that could affect your overall health.

Phone a Friend

You won’t be allowed to drive home after eye surgery. It is important to have someone you can trust for your care throughout the day. Someone must accompany you to the hospital and drive you home. It is likely that you will be administered a sedative during the procedure due to the nature of this type of treatment. Light anesthesia may also be used, but it will still prevent you from being able to drive. It’s important to avoid driving or operating machinery until your eyes are completely healed.

Keep Your Eyes Protected!

Preparing your eyes for surgery requires that you give your eyes as much rest as possible. You should avoid wearing eye makeup or contact lenses for at most a few days before your scheduled surgery. Research shows that contact lenses can dry your eyes by blocking oxygen from reaching your cornea. This could lead to swelling, inflammation, and an increased risk of infection. This could change the way your LASIK procedure will be performed. You can change to glasses before the surgery to allow your eyes to breathe properly.

Schedule Resting Time for Your Eyes

You should rest your eyes as much as you can before the surgery date. This can be difficult as everything is so demanding, but there are some ways you can ensure your eyes are not straining too much during the days leading up. For a few days, put down your phone and computer screens. Take a break from the computer and download audiobooks or podcasts. Listen to your favorite music and talk shows while you close your eyes. You still have something to do, but your eyes are free to rest.

Follow Recovery Instructions Carefully

No matter the type of surgery, surgery is an important procedure. You want to feel as comfortable as you can the day before your eye surgery. LASIK technology is more effective in colder temperatures so it’s a good idea to dress warmly. You should wear something soft and comfortable that you are able to fall asleep in. You will be able to go home right after the procedure and not have to change your clothes.

Learn More About LASIK Surgery Today

Advanced Eye Medical offers iLASIK as a part of one of the most advanced LASIK Orange County procedures available. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Ghosheh, get in touch with one of our friendly staff members. After reviewing your medical history and preparation requirements, you can schedule a LASIK procedure that will restore your vision to its maximum potential. Book your consultation now to learn more about eyelid surgery in Orange County.