Mistakes to Avoid After Lasik

If you have issues with your vision, Lasik is the most effective treatment option to address the issue. Poor vision can lead to a lot of issues, including headaches, unnecessary accidents, and premature wrinkles due to squinting. Lasik is a long-term treatment that can restore and improve your vision. If you have decided to move forward with the procedure, consider the following mistakes to avoid after Lasik.

Mistakes to Avoid After Lasik

While your ophthalmologist will give you post-procedure instructions that are unique to your specific needs, consider the following as well.

Sun Exposure: 

It is recommended that you wear glasses and a wide-brimmed hat after the procedure. Patients often report sensitivity to light after the procedure. This includes outdoors in the sun and also indoor fluorescent light bulbs. You may also notice some glares or halos shortly after the procedure, and this is completely normal and should subside quickly. Your sensitivity to light will also subside shortly after the procedure. However, protecting your eyes is important during the healing period.

Skipping Your Post-Procedure Appointments: 

Your ophthalmologist will want to see you post-procedure to check-in and ensure you are healing properly. While the procedure is highly effective, it’s best to check after in no matter how smooth your recovery is going.

Rubbing Your Eyes: 

One of the symptoms you’ll likely experience after Lasik is itchiness in your eyes. This may last up to a a few days after the procedure. It is imperative that you do not itch or rub your eyes, impacting the healing process. Your cornea is really sensitive and prone to tearing after the procedure. This can lead to major complications, so avoid the temptation to rub your eyes at all costs.

Improper Eye Drop Application: 

During the healing period, your eyes are more susceptible to infection. This requires proper application of your Lasik eye drops as improper application can negatively impact the healing process. When applying your Orange County Lasik eye drops, remove the applicator from the bottle and do not touch anything with it. Use your non-dominant hand to pull down the lower lid of your eye and lightly squeeze the eye drops into the pocket of your eye. Try and apply one drop at a time and wipe away any extra fluid with a clean tissue.

Skipping the Recovery Process: 

While the recovery process for the procedure is fairly quick, that does not mean it should be skipped or that you should get back to your day-to-day routine right away. In fact, you should focus on resting as it can aid in a quick recovery. Avoid strenuous exercise, swimming, or immersing your eyes in water. Once you discuss your recovery progress with your ophthalmologist, they can clear you for whatever activities your eyes are ready for.

Irvine Lasik Doctors

Lasik is a long-term solution to restore your vision without the worry of glasses or contacts. It is a short procedure with a quick recovery and long-term results. The procedure is safe and highly effective as it is one of the most common procedures. Due to the importance of your vision in your everyday life, it is helpful to address the issue sooner than later due to the negative impacts of poor vision.

Dr. Ghosheh at Advanced Eye Medical is the top board-certified ophthalmologist and refractive surgery specialist in Orange County. He has performed Lasik procedures for years and helped numerous patients with their vision problems. Depending on what your needs are, his clinic provides a wide variety of services, including Lasik. Dr. Ghosheh and his team focus on providing patients with the most cutting-edge eye care to ensure their unique needs are met. Contact the top Irvine Lasik doctors today for an appointment!