Is Glaucoma Hereditary?

Glaucoma is one of the scarier words in the medical dictionary when it comes to optometry. It’s something that everyone is bound to develop over time, and with age, grows worse. However, there are treatments available and it is now possible to spot glaucoma in the early stages.

If you are recently diagnosed with glaucoma, or you are just generally concerned, you may be wondering: Is glaucoma hereditary?

Our Advanced Eye Medical team can help to answer your biggest questions and assuage your biggest fears about this term. For more information about glaucoma and LASIK in Orange County, talk to Dr. Ghosheh today!

Common Types of Glaucoma are Hereditary

There’s no better expert on the subject than the Glaucoma Research Foundation, who states that the most commonly diagnosed type of glaucoma is in fact hereditary. The research shows that open-angle glaucoma is most likely contracted when it is passed down from family member to family member.

If you are at risk for hereditary glaucoma, you can be between 4 and 9 times more likely to contract it.

Glaucoma is still treatable. By seeing your eye doctor in Orange County before the symptoms begin to set in, you can start taking care of the problem ahead of time. If you’re worried that you have a hereditary issue, get in touch with our professionals right away.

Other Risk Factors for Glaucoma

Being related to someone who is high risk for glaucoma isn’t the only way to contract it. There are many other risk factors that may make you more or less likely to get it yourself.

Some of these risk factors include:

  • Previous Eye Injury – If you have previous eye damage or injury to the inner eye, this may put you more at risk for contracting glaucoma.
  • Drug Use – If you use a steroid inhaler for your asthma, research shows that you may be at risk for getting glaucoma. This is especially true if you take several puffs of your inhaler per day.
  • Old Age – Individuals over the age of 60 become more likely to get glaucoma than those who are younger. Of newly diagnosed patients, this is the most common age.
  • Hypertension
  • Advanced Nearsightedness

If one or more of these risk factors apply to you, it might be time to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ghosheh right away.

Glaucoma Treatment Options

Recently diagnosed with glaucoma? You may be wondering what you can do now. Advanced Eye Medical offers advanced and successful treatment methods that can help you control your symptoms and retain your sight. The Glaucoma Foundation recommends eye drops, pills, or laser eye surgery as the three most common and successful ways of getting your glaucoma under control.

Your eye doctor will typically prescribe eye drops for the mildest cases of glaucoma, as long as you make sure to take them regularly. In some cases, your doctor will prescribe specific pills as well, which can help with getting rid of symptoms.

Laser eye surgery is most effective for advanced glaucoma. It’s something that we specialize in at Advanced Eye Medical, and are procedures are precise and painless. To learn more about laser eye surgery and how it can treat Glaucoma, visit our page on laser eye surgery.

We treat all cases of glaucoma as unique cases, and we work to create a treatment plan that works best for you. Get in touch with us to find out more.

Know the Signs and Make an Appointment!

Is glaucoma hereditary? You bet. Don’t wait for old age to get checked. Glaucoma can affect the health of your eyes and drastically impact your vision. It’s important to stop the symptoms before they develop further. To get in touch with Advanced Eye Medical, call us at 949-582-1090 or reach out online.