How to Protect Your Eyesight

Did you know that just over 16% of American adults have eye problems that are so severe it affects their eyesight? Even more staggering is the number of people who are at risk of developing problems that will increase eyesight problems as they get older. There are many factors in life that can put your eyes at risk of degenerative conditions and diseases. Knowing how to protect your eyesight is vital.

At Laser For Eyes, our ophthalmologist Mission Viejo experts want you to reduce the risk of vision loss by doing the following daily activities to keep your eyesight safe and strong. Pay attention to the following steps so you can maintain good vision and a great quality of life.

Schedule Proper Eye Exams

It’s important to schedule regular eye exams at least once per year (or more if you have a preexisting condition and your ophthalmologist suggests it). A regular exam is your best chance of preventing eye diseases or conditions in the future.

It is critical that any vision problems are detected early. The earlier they are found, the better chance there is of getting rid of the issue before it develops into a lifelong condition.

Protect Your Eyesight: Get Lots of Good Nutrition

You might not realize it, but the foods you eat have a huge impact on the health of your eyes. Certain foods with antioxidants, for example, are beneficial for reducing the risk of cataracts and other harmful eye conditions. They can also keep your vision strong and healthy even as you age.

Omega-3 fatty acids are another healthy nutrient for your eyes. They can help prevent you from developing macular degeneration or similar vision conditions.

Invest in the Best Sunglasses

The sun’s UV rays are harmful to the naked eye, and can be detrimental to the whole body with too much exposure. If you spend a lot of time outside, you’ll want to get your hands on the best sunglasses for sun protection.

UV light can affect you while you are indoors, too. A good pair of sunglasses can protect up to 100% of those harmful UV rays, keeping your vision protected against external damage.

Monitor Your Vision

It’s important to “keep an eye” on your vision throughout the years. Try to notice if there are any changes to how much you can see or from how far away you can see clearly. You might also want to look out for random symptoms that may indicate an underlying issue. Monitoring your vision is a great way to protect your eyesight.

It’s important to get in touch with your ophthalmologist if you are experiencing:

  • Eye pain
  • Swelling in or around the eyes
  • Random flashes of light
  • Dots or spots appearing in your vision
  • An increased amount of “floaters” in your vision

These symptoms could be a sign of a more serious and degenerative eye condition such as glaucoma, cataracts, or macular degeneration.

Find Out if You’re At Risk for Eye Disease

Unfortunately, genetics do play a part in determining your risk factor for certain eye diseases. A family history of eye problems could mean you have a greater chance of developing those problems yourself. In addition, existing diabetes and high blood pressure can directly affect your risk of developing an eye disease.

Speak with your family and access past medical records so you can find out what puts you at risk. Depending on your situation, it might be important to speak with an ophthalmologist right away to work on prevention methods before it’s too late.

Protect Your Eyesight with Expert Help

At Advanced Eye Medical, we are passionate about equipping you with all the knowledge and tools you need to maintain healthy vision. Depending on the severity of your condition, it is possible to prevent the development of eye diseases before they occur.

In the event that you are diagnosed with a condition that will affect your vision, you can speak with our ophthalmologists about different treatment and recovery options. For those whose vision is already degenerating, we offer Orange County cataract surgery, which can remove cataracts and restore your vision back to its proper strength.

Speak with one of our friendly representatives today about your vision needs. Keeping your eyes strong and safe is the most critical part of maintaining your eyesight. Protect yourself in the future by scheduling an appointment today!