How Our Eye Expressions Open a Window to Our Emotions

Have you ever heard the expression, “The eyes are windows to the soul”? Well, whether or not you believe this, what is true is that eyes are clearly a window to our emotions. The way that we express ourselves and display our reactions can all be interpreted with these powerful organs on our face, allowing us to see and process information.

Our Advanced Eye Medical professionals at the office of Dr. Ghosheh find it interesting how the way we open, close, or shift our eyes can be such a powerful indicator as to how we’re really feeling inside. If you’re interested in studying this type of human reaction more closely, take a look at what your Orange County eye doctor has found out.

Deep Emotions Expressed in Opened or Closed Eyes

Two of the most noticeable types of expressions that come from the eyes are wide opened or narrowed eyes. For example, wide open eyes often convey a sense of awe or shock. If something has made us feel very sensitive, we tend to open our eyes very wide.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, consistently narrowed eyes indicate that we have suspicion or disgust about something. When a person is struggling to believe a story, their friend has told them, they might narrow their eyes at them.

But, why exactly do we move our eyes this way? And what does it all really mean?

Environmental Stimuli and the Way We React

Our Orange County eye doctor has studied why exactly our eyes respond in the way that they do. Opening your eyes makes your field of vision larger, meaning that we are not only enhancing the world around us, but we are communicating our sensitivity with our need to broaden our horizons – literally.

In contrast, when we narrow our eyes, we are blocking more light from entering our field of vision, and we are also sharpening our focus on something closer or smaller. When we feel emotions of suspicion or discontent, we want to narrow our focus so that we focus in on the thing we dislike or distrust.

It is quite amazing how the way we express ourselves with our eyes can be a huge indicator of how we are really feeling. And our eyes always speak the truth, since these reactions come subconsciously, before we even realize we are moving our eyes in that way.

Acknowledging Other Parts of the Face

Our eye expressions are further enhanced by the surrounding parts of our face. Raising the eyebrows, for example, often comes with widened eyes and can be another strong indicator of the way we are emotionally processing a situation.

These expressions are instinctive, rather than environmental, meaning that they are not the result of socialization. We universally use these expressions regardless of upbringing, culture, language, social cues, and the like.

At its core, emotional expression is a sensory thing, rather than a social one. Our expressions signify something at our base level, that we cannot control. It is easy to read somebody’s emotions, intentions, and true beliefs by the way they move their eyes and eyebrows.

Orange County Eye Doctor

Interested in finding out what else your eyes can do? Have you been struggling to see as well as you used to? Are you looking to invest in a technologically advanced procedure that can improve the function of your eyes, allowing you to express yourself to the best of your ability? Advanced Eye Medical is here to help! If you want to get in touch with our Orange County eye doctor, you can contact us online or give us a call at (866) 997-2020 to make an appointment.