How Often Should You Get Morpheus8 Treatments?

The natural aging process can impact the appearance of your face and neck. Fine lines, wrinkles, and skin sagging can all take a toll on the way you look. This can make you appear much older than you are. There are a number of cosmetic treatments that can reduce the impact of aging on your skin. Morpheus8 is a highly effective minimally invasive treatment that provides amazing results. To ensure your results last you may wonder, how often should you get Morpheus8 treatments? Below, you will find helpful information about the treatment and its benefits.

How Often Should You Get Morpheus8 Treatments?

There are several cosmetic treatments that can improve the signs of aging on your face. One of the most effective minimally invasive treatments is Morpheus8. The treatment uses a combination of microneedling and RF energy waves to improve the look of your skin. It can address fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin without surgery. Each patient is uniquely different, and a customized plan is created for you during your consultation. However, most patients need a series of treatments over a few months. Generally, patients undergo 2 to 4 treatments spaced a few weeks to months apart. After your first series of treatments, it’s advised to get touch-ups every few months, or up to one year, to maintain your initial results.

Morpheus8 Treatment

Morpheus8 treatment utilizes microneedling and RF energy waves to renew your skin. It effectively penetrates the deeper layers of your facial tissue. This effectively stimulates collagen production and tightens loose skin. The treatment also smoothes out fine lines and wrinkles leaving you look more youthful. One of the amazing benefits of Morpheus 8 treatment is that you can see results right away. Even after the initial results, the treatment continues to improve the tone and texture of your skin. The collagen stimulation also results in tighter, smoother, and firmer skin.

The treatment itself is smooth, and the entire process is easy for patients. Depending on the area treated, it can take just 30 to 60 minutes. Because the treatment is non-surgical, there is a very short recovery period. Patients may experience some swelling and redness, but that’s completely normal. It should subside shortly, as most patients can use makeup within the first few days after treatment. The recovery period is critical as it is a major factor in the longevity of your results. Helpful strategies include avoiding the sun, applying moisturizer, and following your post-treatment instructions.

Benefits of Morpheus8

For those considering non-invasive cosmetic treatments, Morpheus8 is a popular option. It offers a number of benefits and can dramatically improve the appearance of your skin.

  • Skin Tightening: The combination of microneedling and RF energy waves improves skin elasticity through stimulating collagen production
  • Wrinkle Reduction: The treatment reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leaving you looking fresh and youthful
  • Improved Texture: Morpheus8 can improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of scars
  • Customizable: The treatment is customizable and meets the specific needs of each patient
  • Minimally Invasive: For those who do not want to undergo surgery or anesthesia, Morpheus8 is an effective treatment
  • Short Recovery: As compared to alternative surgical options, the recovery time is short and smooth

Schedule Your Consultation

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your skin, consider Morpheus8 treatment. It is highly effective in addressing the signs of aging. Not only can it improve your appearance, but it can also improve your self-confidence. Feeling confident in your skin is important. The team at Advanced Eye Medical has helped countless patients improve their appearance with Morpheus 8. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!