Guide to Reconstructive Eyelid Surgery

Reconstructive eyelid surgery is an ideal treatment for anyone dealing with excess skin, droopy eyelids, malformation, or damage around the eyes. No matter the cosmetic or medical reason for needing this procedure, a skilled eye surgeon can give you the transformative results you deserve. Today, we are going to go through a quick guide to reconstructive eyelid surgery that can help you prepare well before the day of your procedure.

Guide to Reconstructive Eyelid Surgery

Step 1: Get a Full Assessment

The first step is to schedule a consultation with our surgeon, who will perform a full evaluation. During this assessment, the doctor will determine your need for eyelid reconstruction surgery and suggest the best possible methods to help you reach your desired results. The doctor can determine your physical eligibility right away, but there are a few other tests that you need to complete first.

Namely, you may need to get some lab work done. Lab testing looks for certain things in your blood or in your body that could interrupt or interfere with the success of the treatment. It is always a good idea to have bloodwork done before a medical procedure anyway, as your lab results can tell you many things about your current and future health.

Step 2: Start Changing Your Lifestyle

You may be asked to temporarily change your lifestyle habits while you prepare for surgery. Depending on the length and intensity of the procedure, you might have to stop using scented soap on your skin. Certain shampoos and cleaning products contain chemicals that can irritate your skin or even cause an infection during surgery. Similarly, certain foods and ingredients can make your body feel dysregulated.

Additionally, you might have to stop taking medications that could cause your blood to thin or your body to resist anesthesia. You will typically have plenty of notice before you have to stop taking whatever medications you are on. If you indulge in smoking or drinking, it is vital that you cut off these habits for at least a few weeks before and after your eyelid reconstruction surgery.

Step 3: Prepare a Resting Period

While the surgery itself can be short, you need to plan for a recovery period of at least a few weeks. Make sure you have a designated friend or family member to drive you home after your procedure, as you will not be able to operate a vehicle. You will also be wearing protective gear to protect your eyes, which will be sensitive and likely sore after the surgery. While at home, make sure to give yourself plenty of time away from computer screens and books, as they can strain your eyes further while they are trying to rest.

It is important to follow all of the instructions provided to you by your eye surgeon. You should be able to go home immediately following the procedure, although your doctor may want to monitor you for a little while. You will receive a prescription for a medication to help with pain if you feel sore or bruised in the days after your surgery. If you remain worried about additional side effects or pain that lasts longer than a few days, reach back out to your doctor right away.

Schedule Your Restorative Eyelid Surgery Today

To find out if you are a good candidate for our restorative eyelid surgery in Mission Viejo, get in touch with Dr. Ghosheh and his team of friendly experts today. We can help you determine your restoration needs and match you with the perfect procedure. For customized treatments and results that you can love for many years to come, contact us ASAP.