Exercise and Eye Health

Many of us spend hours in the gym with the intention to better our body and mind, but very few people are thinking about their eyesight while running, biking, or throwing some weights around. There are many benefits to adding an exercise regimen to your routine, including mitigating the risks of eye disease. Another terrific way to improve your eyesight is by undergoing LASIK. Look no further than Advanced Eye Medical state of the art vision care and LASIK in Orange County.

What Are the Associations Between Exercise and Eye Health

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, there are two studies that have been taken to prove the association between regular exercise and eyesight. The first was performed on more than 5,600 people and proved that those who engaged in moderate exercise were 25% less likely to develop glaucoma. The second study taken on more than 3,800 people showed that there is a relationship between those who develop age related macular degeneration and being physically inactive.

The link between exercise and eye health is more apparent when you think about the way the body works. Moderate physical activity can reduce the risk or prevent other major health issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol, which are linked to most eye diseases.

What Type of Physical Activity

Fortunately for most of us, we don’t need to be in Crossfit or participating in triathlon events to reap the benefits stated above. You may be wondering what “moderate physical activity” really means and how much of a commitment you need to make to help reduce or prevent major eye diseases. Starting off with long walks is a great way to be physically active for people that may not have a lot of extra time. Even fun activities like rock climbing and dancing can benefit you.

Low impact bodyweight exercises are also very beneficial and doing 3 to 5 workouts a week can positively impact your health. For those of you that want to be a little more intense, you can join a gym and even get a personal trainer to show you the ropes your first few weeks or months. The most important thing is to find something that you will consistently stick with and fits within with your schedule and lifestyle.

What Else Can I Do to Prevent Eye Disease

Another very important step that you can take to prevent eye disease before it takes over is to schedule regular eye examinations. It is a widely accepted fact that if you catch a disease in its early stages, it is much easier to treat. That is why it is important to see your eye doctor every year or two. Although every two years may be sufficient for people without family history of eye disease, if you suspect being more susceptible to eye disease, you should discuss with Dr. Ghosheh how often to schedule examination appointments.

What If I Already Have an Eye Disease?

Whether you are showing early signs of glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, or age related macular degeneration, or have already been diagnosed with one of these diseases, exercise can still reap benefits. Exercise has also been proven to slow down these diseases, and even slightly improve some cases. Incorporating a fitness routine into your life will not only help with your eye disease but improve many other functions of your body as well, so it is a win-win!

LASIK in Orange County

If you are worried about your eye health, do all you can to prevent it by starting an exercise program and scheduling regular eye examinations. Our experts at Advanced Eye Medical are always available to help you on your journey to better eye health. We take pride in being the most renowned medical facility for LASIK in Orange County, and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.