Does Morpheus8 Hurt During Treatment?

Those on the search for better and healthier ways to achieve their body goals have likely heard of Morpheus8, the world’s only subdermal fat contouring treatment aimed at preventing the signs of aging. While this innovative and tech-assisted procedure can treat large areas of the body at once, our Advanced Eye Medical specialists have focused on the spectacular benefits of Morpheus8 for facial areas. So, does Morpheus8 hurt during treatment?

Does Morpheus8 Hurt During Treatment?

But even those who find themselves deeply interested in this treatment still have a lot of questions about what the in-office experience will be like. How long does Morpheus8 treatment take? Does Morpheus8 hurt during treatment? Will I require multiple sessions to achieve the best results? Our experts will answer all of these questions and more below.

About Morpheus8

If you like the idea of sculpting your body in the exact way that you want, then Morpheus8 is the procedure for you. An effective treatment against molding and reducing excess bags of fat around the eyes, Morpheus8 can reduce years of aging and restore the face to a much more youthful state.

How the Procedure Works

The procedure works similarly to microneedling, which involves the use of very small needles that are inserted into your skin all at the same time. These needles are coated in silicone which creates microscopic incisions into the skin.

Then, trained experts will use radiofrequency energy to emit patterns of light and warmth into your face, encouraging the production of collagen. Collagen is what keeps your skin looking healthy and elastic, and these small electrical pulses will encourage its growth even after the aging process has begun.

Is Morpheus8 Painful?

Something that uses multiple needles might sound painful and agonizing, but there are plenty of options available to you to make your session more comfortable during treatment. While the insertion of small needles may not be overly painful to some, it can cause a lot of discomfort for others. That is why we recommend that all of our patients sign off on the use of topical anesthesia throughout the duration of the treatment. Localized anesthesia, typically delivered as Lidocaine, will completely numb the treatment area throughout the duration of the session.

After the numbing agent wears off, it is likely that some feelings of pain and discomfort will return. This short-term swelling and inflammation will soon go away. Recovery can take a few days to a few weeks, and you can better understand your healing timeline during your initial consultation with your doctor.

Morpheus8 and Safety Concerns

Aside from the pain, patients also want to know whether or not Morpheus8 proves a safe treatment, especially when administered near the eyes. As one of the only FDA-approved treatments of its type, Morpheus8 is generally safe as long as it is administered by experts who remain apprised of the best techniques and procedures.

It remains common to go through a few side effects in the first few days following your Morpheus8 procedure. For example, many patients experience redness and swelling around the treatment area. While this can cause a bit of discomfort, it should fade away in no time. Most people who undergo Morpheus8 treatments can return to work in just a few days following their appointment.

Learn More About Microneedling Today

Interested in reversing the signs of aging, healing skin damage, and contouring your face in a way that pleases you? Then you might prove the perfect candidate for Morpheus8. Contact your trusted laser eye surgeon to schedule a personal consultation, and we will discuss the benefits and risks of a microneedling procedure like this. Set up your own personal treatment plan and enjoy long-lasting results ASAP.