Does Eyelid Surgery Hurt?

There is a saying that goes, “eyes are the windows into the soul,” which means that your eyelids are the shutters, and what is a window without its decorative accompaniment. As we age, excess skin increases and elasticity decreases, and our eyes are no exception. Be sure to protect your eyes and eyelids by contacting Advanced Eye Medical to set an appointment for Mission Viejo eyelid surgery.

Why Should You Get Eyelid Surgery?

There are two main reasons why you would elect to get eyelid surgery, also known as a blepharoplasty. The first is for cosmetic reasons to help bring a youthful appearance back to your eyes. Excess skin may cause you to look older and tired due to the presence of bags under the eyes. A blepharoplasty is a useful way to remove the excess skin to counteract any puffiness, sagginess, or bagginess. The second reason is for a functional blepharoplasty, which is to correct any vision troubles you have due to this excess skin. In most cases, the focus of this type of surgery is on the upper eyelid because excess skin there can cause vision impairment. Ultimately, whether you are looking to improve the appearance of your eyes, the functionality of your eyes, or a combination of both, Advanced Eye Medical is the perfect place to get a Mission Viejo eyelid surgery. Give us a call today to find out if you are a good candidate for this surgery and what may be the best options for you.

Is Eyelid Surgery Painful?

The procedure itself is essentially painless because, depending on the scope of the surgery, you will either have local or general anesthesia. In any case, you will have the inability to feel the surgery being done. If Dr. Ghosheh uses a local anesthesia, you will be awake during the procedure, but unable to feel the area being worked on, while general anesthesia will put you completely to sleep during the entirety of the procedure. It is important to discuss the different benefits and disadvantages of both options. Although you will not feel pain while using a local anesthesia, it may be stressful for some patients to be awake during the procedure, which may mean that general anesthesia would be your best bet. It is also important to understand the risk involved with an eyelid surgery, and to coordinate for the best ways to mitigate these risks. As with many other types of surgeries, the risk of infection, scarring, irritation, and skin discoloration are present, so be sure to follow every instruction that your doctor gives you.

Eyelid Surgery Recovery Time

It is common for there to be some pain related symptoms after the surgery while you are recovering. The most common symptoms among those that undergo a blepharoplasty are tightness, soreness, watery eyes, itchiness, and sensitivity to light. You may also have blurry vision for a few days following the procedure as your eyes are recovering. Keeping your eyelid clean is important to combat infection, and making a follow up appointment with your doctor will allow them to gauge the recovery. In most cases, stitches will stay in the eyelid for 3 to 5 days after the surgery, and the eyelid may remain swollen for 1 to 3 weeks as well. Every patient is different and has a different recovery time, but in most cases, you will be able to return to daily activities after 2 weeks. Luckily, the pain related symptoms are not long lived, but you may notice some aesthetic symptoms for up to 3 months after the surgery.

Understanding the process, recovery time, and what you can do to help speed along the process are very important, so be sure to have an in depth consultation with your surgeon before undergoing a blepharoplasty. For any patients looking for a Mission Viejo eyelid surgery, get in touch with Dr. Ghosheh to discuss your options for a more youthful face!