Common Problems with Contacts

Whether your vision issues started when you were young, or if they are due to the effects of natural aging, finding an effective treatment is important. Glasses and contacts are commonly used in the short term as more long-term vision correction treatments are more effective. While glasses don’t pose as many issues, contacts can come with a variety of issues. Below you will find the most common problems with contacts and what long-term vision treatment options may be right for you.

Common Problems with Contacts

Contacts have been a common treatment option for vision issues despite the problematic issues that can arise while using them. The following are the most common problems with contacts.

Dry Eye Syndrome: 

This issue involves eye dryness as your contacts can impact your eyes ability to produce tears. Tears are necessary to keep your eyes lubricated. Dry eyes can cause discomfort and even increase your risk of an infection.

Corneal Abrasion: 

For those who wear contacts, a corneal abrasion is a serious risk. The issue occurs when an abrasive particle gets trapped under your contacts. It can scratch your cornea and even require medical treatment. If left untreated, serious corneal abrasions can cause irreparable damage and loss of vision.


This condition impacts your cornea and involves inflammation and an infection. It is most commonly caused by soft lenses that are not cleaned well or have been rinsed with contaminated water. Keratitis is a serious condition that requires medical attention.

Blurred Vision: 

People who wear contact lenses can suffer from blurred vision in one or both of their eyes. If you have blurry vision in combination with any other symptoms (pain, redness, swelling, excess tears, or dry eyes), contact a vision professional. Still, a variety of issues could be causing the issue and it is necessary to get your vision examined.


This occurs when the oil glands on your eyelids are backed up. This can often be caused due to the overgrowth of skin bacteria on your lashes and is very common among those who wear contacts. Still, if the issue persists, consult with a vision professional.


This is common among those who wear contacts and involves inflammation of the membrane that lines the inside of your eyelids. Therefore, it can cause an infection. A result from wearing contact lenses that have not been properly cleaned. Also, you may experience discharge and, in some cases, it may require medical attention. 

Orange County Eye Surgeon

Contact lenses can cause a variety of serious issues. If you wear contact lenses and experience painful or irritating symptoms, it’s time to reconsider your vision treatment. Symptoms such as redness, pain, irritation, sensitivity to light, discharge, swelling, and blurred vision are some of the most common. These indicate issues that need to be examined by a professional. The risks of wearing contacts are serious in certain circumstances. While glasses are an alternative, they cannot be worn during certain physical activities and are easy to lose or break. 

If you have vision issues and are interested in a long-term solution, precision Lasik surgery in Orange County is the most effective treatment option. The medical advancements have made Lasik an effective solution to vision issues. Still, the procedure itself proves short and the results can last more than a decade. Lasik also allows you to be free from glasses and contacts as they can be easily lost or damaged. If you are unhappy with wearing contact or glasses and are considering long-term treatment options, contact Dr. Ghosheh at Advanced Eye Medical. He is the top Orange County eye surgeon and has helped countless patients restore their vision.