Can You Wear Glasses After Lasik?

Vision issues impact millions of people. While glasses and contacts can assist with vision issues, they are not the only solution. In fact, Lasik is a highly effective procedure that can dramatically improve your vision. Many people opt for Lasik because they no longer want to wear glasses or contacts. You may wonder, can you wear glasses after Lasik? Below you will find information about the procedure and what results most patients experience post-Lasik.

Can You Wear Glasses After Lasik?

The vast majority of patients who undergo Lasik experience major improvements in their vision. However, not all patients achieve 20/20 vision after Lasik. Good vision is referred to as 20/20 vision and refers to the ability to see an object clearly from 20 feet away. Some patients achieve 20/40 vision after Lasik. As compared to 20/20, 20/40 refers to the ability to see the amount of detail from 20 feet away as the average person would see at 40 feet away.

If your vision improves to 20/40 you may still need to wear glasses or contacts. However, this is only during select activities. For example, driving at night or reading. However, the vast majority of patients do not need to wear glasses or contacts after Lasik as it is a long-term solution to vision issues.

Lasik Procedure

Lasik is a laser-assisted procedure that corrects vision errors. It specifically addresses refractive errors by reshaping the cornea of your eyes. A refractive error is a vision issue that makes it difficult for you to see. This occurs when the shape of your eye keeps light from focusing correctly on your retina. iDesign Lasik in Orange County reshapes your cornea, the outer layer at the front of your eye that helps your eye to focus light so you can see clearly.

Refractive errors are highly common and include nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. The procedure is short, smooth, and you will notice results within just a few hours. Because the procedure involves your eyes, you will need to have someone drive you home. The recovery period is short as you should be back to your daily activities within 24 hours. You will likely be prescribed medicated eye drops and a mask to prevent contact with your eyes. The day after the procedure you will need to attend a follow-up appointment to monitor your progress.

Post-Lasik Recovery Tips

While the initial recovery period is fast, there are some steps you should take post-Lasik to ensure the success of your results. Consider the following if you plan on getting Lasik treatment.

  • Sports and Swimming: While you can get back to your regular routine pretty fast, you’ll need to avoid high-impact sports and swimming for the first one to two weeks.
  • Makeup and Skincare: These can irritate your eyes and increase your risk for infection. Avoid wearing makeup and using facial lotions for a few weeks after Lasik.
  • Manage Expectations: While you will notice improvements in your vision right away, you may experience some fluctuations for the first few months after Lasik. You may also notice halos or glares around lights, difficulty driving at night, and even experience dry eyes. Talk with your eye surgeon if you have any concerns.

Laser Eye Surgeon in OC

Lasik is a great alternative to wearing glasses or contacts. The treatment option is safe, effective, and can improve your daily life. Dr. Ghosheh at Advanced Eye Medical is the top laser eye surgeon in OC. He has helped countless patients restore their vision with Lasik. Contact the team at Advanced Eye Medical today to set up an appointment!