Can Teens Get LASIK?

Most people who struggle with their vision have had problems with their sight from a very young age. Children who are prescribed glasses and contact lenses may feel upset or embarrassed about their eyewear as they grow older. Teenagers are especially susceptible to feeling self-conscious about the way they look, and they might express further interest in improving their eyesight more permanently. So can teens get LASIK?

Can Teens Get LASIK? 

This leads patients of all ages to pursue expert advice from the best Orange County eye surgeon in the area. If you are a parent of a maturing child, you may be pressured to ask, “Can teens get LASIK?” Let’s talk about how LASIK eye surgery works and whether or not your teenage child is a likely candidate for the procedure. 

Teenagers and LASIK

Unfortunately, it is unlikely that teenagers will become eligible candidates for LASIK eye surgery until well after their teenage years. Most eye doctors recommend that you do not consider laser eye surgery until you are older than age 20. The biggest reason for this is that the eyes will continue to change in shape and ability until the early 20s. 

One of the most important requirements for LASIK surgery is that your vision has remained stable for at least two years. Most teenagers experience rapidly changing eyesight levels as the eyes continue to change. The goal of LASIK is to decrease refractive error, which can only be done successfully from a stable starting point. It is likely that your child is too young for LASIK surgery.

How Young is Too Young? 

Most doctors refuse to perform LASIK surgery on patients under the age of 20. There are some reports of 18 and 19-year-olds receiving successful LASIK treatment despite age. This procedure will always be sought after by those looking to improve farsightedness, nearsightedness, or astigmatism. 

Best LASIK Alternatives for Teenagers

If your teenage child is ineligible for LASIK until they reach 18 years of age, there are still other vision-correcting options to pursue. For example, vision-correcting glasses and contact lenses. These can drastically improve someone’s ability to navigate through their day without negatively affecting the health of their eyes. There are still a lot of reasons why someone might want to consider LASIK surgery regardless of age. So keep pursuing your dream treatment!

Who Is a Good Candidate for LASIK Eye Surgery?

The age requirements for LASIK are pretty rigid, and it is rare that a patient under the age of 18 is eligible. However, a doctor will consider every factor that makes for a good LASIK candidate to determine who is or is not eligible. Some of the biggest factors include: 

  • Vision stability. The eyes go through a lot of changes during puberty, just like the rest of your body. If you have had no major vision or eye changes in two years, you may be a good candidate for LASIK. 
  • Healthy eyes. Poor vision does not necessarily mean that your eyes are unhealthy. As long as you are not dealing with other issues such as cataracts or glaucoma, you can still pursue vision correction. 
  • FDA regulations. The Food and Drug Administration only approves LASIK surgery for adults over the age of 18 due to the likelihood that the eyes are still rapidly changing before then.

Do you feel that you or your loved one is a good candidate for LASIK eye surgery. Then don’t wait to get in touch with your local experts. The longer you live with uncorrected vision problems, the bigger of an issue it can create.

Heal Your Eyes the Right Way Today!

If you are over the age of 18 and you have had a stable eyewear prescription for at least two years, you may be eligible for LASIK in Mission Viejo today. Get in touch with Dr. Ghosheh and the friendly staff at Advanced Eye Medical to learn more about your advanced treatment options. Invest in the latest and greatest technology and enjoy a quick, non-invasive procedure that restores your vision back to its full strength. Inquire today!