Can Morpheus8 Treat Under-Eye Bags?

Do you want to look your best, but find yourself troubled by under-eye bags? Under-eye bags are a common issue, but can have a negative impact on your appearance and self esteem. If you find that your under-eyes are puffy and the puffiness is difficult to conceal, you might be looking for a new treatment. Sometimes our existing routines just aren’t enough! A new and popular treatment for under-eye bags is Morpheus8.  Can Morpheus8 treat under-eye bags?

Can Morpheus8 Treat Under-Eye Bags?

Can Morpheus8 treat under-eye bags better than more traditional treatments? That’s what our experts want you to find out. Read this blog from our Orange County eye surgeon today to learn more!

Why do I have under-eye bags?

There are many reasons you might see some puffiness in your under-eye area. This is not an exhaustive list, but two common reasons are irregular sleep habits and getting older. Other major reasons for under-eye bags include:

Bad sleep hygiene

If you’re not following a regular sleep schedule, you might be making your under-eye bags worse! Too little sleep can lead to fluids building up in your under-eye area. This can cause the puffy appearance you’re trying to avoid! Thankfully, adjusting your sleep schedule is an easy way to try to reduce puffiness. However, if you don’t get the results you want, you might want to look into a treatment like Morpheus8.


As we age, we lose fatty tissue around the eyes. Our skin also becomes thinner. These are natural changes, but can lead to undesirable results because the under-eye bags are more defined in appearance. We can’t avoid aging, but we can take control of our bodies with treatments like Morpheus8.

What is Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 combines two existing cosmetic technologies. First, microneedling. Microneedling refers to the smooth and careful insertion of tiny needles into and out of your skin. Morpheus8 uses 24 small needles, all coated in silicone. The needles create tiny micro-injuries that help new tissue form. The microneedling is enhanced by radiofrequency energy. Once the needles are inserted, the Morpheus8 device emits the radiofrequency energy. This energy creates a warm sensation on your face, which also speeds up the production of new collagen and elastin in your skin! Because these technologies are combined so effectively, you’ll feel like you got two treatments in one!

What does Morpheus8 feel like?

If you want to get this type of treatment, it’s helpful to know what to expect. Morpheus8 is easy and safe to receive. It’s a simple outpatient procedure! Before the procedure, you will receive a numbing cream for your under-eyes to prevent discomfort. Other pain-control treatments may also be available to you. Then a handheld device will be used for the treatment. You will feel heat and pressure, but with proper preparation you won’t feel pain.

The procedure will take about an hour and final results aren’t immediate, so don’t worry if you don’t see the new you right away! It takes time for new collagen tissue to form. Still, you will see some notable differences soon after the treatment. After a few days, you will start to see even more changes! 

After Morpheus8

Immediately after each treatment, you will see some redness or irritation in your under-eyes. This is completely normal and no cause for worry. The redness should go away on its own with 24 hours.

You will likely need to have 3-4 treatments for the best results and you must wait 2 weeks between treatments. At the end of your treatments, best results will take about 2-3 weeks as your new collagen finishes forming. You can expect the results of your Morpheus8 treatment to last for about a year!

Where do I get Morpheus8?

If you are curious about Morpheus8 and want to look into getting Morpheus8 in Orange County, go to an Orange County eye surgeon today! It is an easy and simple procedure that can make a big difference in your appearance and how you view yourself. If you have been troubled by puffy under-eyes, don’t hesitate to create a more sculpted under-eye with Morpheus8!