Are Your Eyes Betraying Your Secrets?

We’ve all heard the saying, “The eyes are the window to the soul,” but can our eyes really give away our deepest secrets? Well, maybe not our deepest secrets but apparently, they can give away some of our personal information.

For more helpful vision habits and information on receiving laser vision in Orange County, get in touch with Dr. Ghosheh of Advanced Eye Medical today.

If you think about it, it isn’t hard to distinguish much about people’s emotions from their eyes. If someone is sad or worried, they will often furrow their eyebrows which makes the eyes appear smaller. But, when people are happy, their eyebrows are raised, their eyes wide open and brighter than usual. You can also tell if someone is faking happiness from their eyes. When someone is genuinely happy, and they smile broadly, their eyes will crinkle in the corners. However, a person can easily fake a smile with their mouth, but their eyes will be unchanged.

Our pupils also give away much of what we are thinking. Our pupils are similar to an aperture on a camera. That means they dilate or contract to regulate the amount of light that comes into our eyes. This is why our pupils get smaller in light and bigger when it’s dark. It’s called the pupillary light response.

Our pupils also dilate when we detect an opportunity or a threat. Thanks to the autonomic nervous system, our eyes can give us away without us saying or doing a thing. If you think someone is following you and might be in danger, your heart and breath rates increase, you might begin to sweat, your muscles tense, and your pupils dilate as you prepare your fight or flight response.

You might have a similar response when you meet someone you are attracted to. Your breath and heart rate increase and your pupils dilate telling that person that you are excited to meet them. You have absolutely no control over this response. So, our pupils do respond to light, like the aperture on a camera, but they also respond to our emotional cues and expectations.

Experts at Psychology Today, revealed these 12 ways your eye movements can reveal your personal information:

• Rapid eye movement is an indication of impulsive decision-making.
• Plodding eyes reveal a wandering mind.
• Slow eye movement shows a level of fatigue.
• Tracking eye movements can shift your moral compass.
• Gaze cues reveal your political temperament.
• Rapid eye movement during sleep can minimize painful PTSD memories.
• Rapid eye movement during sleep can increase positive emotions.
• Jerky eye movements can be a clue to predict neurodegenerative diseases.
• Alterations in a person’s eye movements can be an early signal for Alzheimer’s.
• Involuntary eye movements can reveal ADHD.
• Lack of eye contact can be an early signal for autism in infants.
• Abnormal eye movements can be a sign of mental illness.

Our eyes really can reveal a lot about what is happening in our minds and our bodies. Experts believe that the amount of whites of the eye visible, the angle and the directional speed of movement can be a key indicator as well as an interpreter of our interactions with others. Depending on the circumstance, a quick look away or direct eye contact can have a variety of meanings. So, what are you trying to convey with your eyes?

Laser Vision in Orange County

Just like any health checkup, it is important to get your eyes checked regularly so you are aware of any serious issues. If you suffer from any problems with your vision, visit Dr. Ghosheh and his team at Advanced Eye Medical. Don’t let issues with your vision develop into a more serious health situation. Schedule your consultation today to learn more about routine eye exams and receiving laser vision in Orange County.