Adjusting to Monovision Correction

Monovision is a method of fitting each of your two eyes with different prescription contact lenses; the weaker eye with a contact that allows you to see objects up-close, and the stronger eye with a contact that corrects distance vision. The contacts work together to decrease your reliance on reading glasses.

Monovision is intended for patients affected by a presbyopia, an age-related condition that affects people who are roughly mid-40s to mid-60s in age. These patients may have trouble viewing objects up-close – but monovision correction is the perfect solution! If this describes you, it could be monovision adjustment time. Be sure to get in touch with Dr. Ghosheh and Advanced Eye Medical for all your eye care needs.

Monovision correction is not difficult to adjust to at all. Read on to find out more about what to expect for your monovision adjustment time.

Overview of Presbyopia

Presbyopia is considered a natural part of aging and usually becomes noticeable in your mid-40s. Typically, the condition will worsen until you reach age 65, at which point things should level out.

At the onset of presbyopia, you will notice that you are straining to read dinner menus, newspapers, and birthday cards (close-up objects.) After a basic eye exam confirms your diagnosis, you will be a candidate for monovision contacts, glasses, or laser surgery with monovision correction.

Although age is the most common culprit in the development of presbyopia, other factors can contribute as well.

Conditions such as diabetes, MS, or cardiovascular disease all increase your risk for premature presbyopia (onset before 40.)

Certain drugs are known to factor in on premature presbyopia; these include antidepressants, antihistamines, and diuretics.

Why Use Monovision

If you already wear glasses for distance and need to switch glasses for reading, this can be a big hassle. Monovision reduces or eliminates the need for two pairs of glasses by allowing your eyes to adjust to both close-up and distance vision with the help of contacts. In most patients, the brain adapts to monovision easily.

It’ll Be Your New Superpower

Monovision has been called a “superpower” because it allows you to switch between seeing things far away and close up without any assistance!

It’ll Improve Your Golf Game

With monovision, you can see the field from afar, and the golf ball up close – which seriously improves your golf game.

It’ll Make You into a Book Worm

You’ll be so excited by the comfort and ease with which you read after monovision surgery that you simply won’t be able to put the books down. Don’t even get us started on how envious your friends will be when you read a menu in a dimly lit restaurant without any stress at all!

Which Type of Monovision Do you Want or Need?

Computer Monovision

You may still need reading glasses, but farther away objects are in sharper focus. This is good if you don’t read a lot and you work on a computer.

Modified Monovision

You wear one, bifocal, contact lens on the weaker eye to see closeup. The other eye will usually have whatever single-vision contact it would typically wear.

Surgical Monovision

Rather than using contacts, your eye doctor can make monovision adjustments using LASIK eye surgery – adjusting one eye to see distance clearly and the other to see better close-up.

Monovision Adjustment Time

The monovision adjustment time is usually about a week or two. For the vast majority of patients, it takes less than a month to adjust.
Contact Dr. Ghosheh at Advanced Eye Medical for a Free Consultation Today!

Dr. Ghosheh at Advanced Eye Medical has been helping patients with their vision since 1982. Advanced Eye Medical is the premier LASIK Eye Surgery center in Orange County and uses only the most advanced techniques. For more information and a free consultation, call 949-582-1090 or Contact Advanced Eye Medical Today!