Ten Interesting Eye Facts

Your eyes are often seen as the window to your soul, and they are also your window for you to see the world. With vision as one of the five senses, people often overlook or even take for granted their vision. Despite being a very small part of your body, your eyes are extremely interesting. Below are ten interesting eye facts.

Ten Interesting Eye Facts


As a baby, your eyes are about three-fifths of an inch from back to front. However, they grow as you do and end up being a little under one inch by the time you are an adult. The biggest growth spurts occur when you are two years old and during puberty.


The average person blinks around 12 times per minute. Each blink lasts around one-third of a second. This keeps your eyes moisturized and works to keep out any unwanted debris from the air.


Your eye doctor was not kidding when they said you should wear sunglasses that block out UV rays. Excessive sun exposure can damage the surface of the cornea and conjunctiva, causing a condition that is very similar to a sunburn called photokeratitis.

Fastest Muscles:

Your eyes muscles are the fastest muscles in your body. You have six extraocular muscles in each eye, which allow you to move your eyes from side to side. Many of the eye muscle movements are involuntary.


For those who have their full sight, 80% of all learning comes through the eyes. This may be news for those who say they are “visual learners” since we technically all are.

Shark Twins:

While you may be afraid of sharks, their cornea is nearly identical to the human cornea. Interestingly enough, shark corneas have been used in human eye surgery.

Baby’s Vision:

It has been passed on through generations that babies are born and only see black and white. This is true, but not entirely. Babies also see the color red.


While it is clear there is more to the eye than we can see, we only see a small portion of the eye from the outside. Only one-sixth of your eye is visible on the outside, leaving the remaining five-sixths a mystery hidden behind your eyelids.


Crimes are often solved with the help of fingerprints, as each has 40 unique characteristics. However, your iris has 256 unique characteristics. The iris is the portion of your eye that has color.


Your eyes have both rods and cones which help you see. Rods allow you to see shapes while the cones are for differentiating and detecting colors.

Orange County Eyelid Surgery

Your vision is a highly important sense that helps you learn and stay safe. Vision issues can cause you trouble on a daily basis. Issues with eyes can come in the form of your actual vision or even issues with your eyelids. Issues such as a droopy forehead, eyebrows, or even your upper eyelids can impact your vision. If you struggle with drooping eyelids, also referred to as ptosis, some remedies can resolve the issue, including eyelid surgery.

Eye Specialist Mission Viejo

If you find that you are struggling with your vision or have drooping eyelids impact your vision, contact Dr. Ghosheh at Advanced Eye Medical. Dr. Gosheh is one of the most well-known and trusted eye surgeons in Mission Viejo. Depending on your needs, his clinic provides a wide variety of services, including eyelid surgery. Dr. Ghosheh is focused on providing patients with the most cutting-edge eye care to ensure their unique needs are met. Contact his office today for an appointment!