Are You Nearsighted or Farsighted?

Two of the most common eyesight problems are nearsightedness and farsightedness. Both conditions can cause long-term vision impairment and are considered refractive disorders. Also known as myopia, nearsightedness causes objects that are far away to be viewed as blurry. Farsightedness, know as hyperopia, causes nearby objects to appear blurred. Both conditions, which are very common, are caused by an elongation of the eyeballs, that occurs naturally with age, and prolonged use of the eyes, but also can be genetic among children.

Keep in mind that when you are either nearsighted or farsighted, you are only affected to a certain extent. Because myopia and hyperopia occur on different levels, this will also affect your prescription for either eyeglasses, contact lenses or both. While only a medical professional will be able to determine and diagnose if you are near-sighted or far-sighted , there are ways to tell what your particular refractive disorder you have. Here are the best ways to determine if you are near-sighted or far-sighted.

How To Tell If You’re Near-Sighted

Pediatricians regularly have children read a sequence of shrinking letters off a chart in their offices for this specific reason. You’re probably familiar with this test. These charts are called a Snellen or Tumbling E -chart. Fortunately, the test associated with these charts can be found online, although a medical professional can only make the final diagnosis. If you are unable to determine the sequencing of letters on the chart, in a readable order, it is possible that you have myopia.

How To Tell If You’re Far-Sighted

Determining if you are far-sighted also involves the same method of testing. To test yourself for this refractive disorder, you will need to find an online, sight-testing, chart where the texts in each line appears smaller. An eye with normal focusing ability should be able to read each individual line without experience any blurriness or discomfort. If you are unable to do so, you may hyperopia, and should seek a medical eye exam immediately to determine if you need reading glasses. If you do, a true medical examination will be able to not only determine whether you have hyperopia, but also what strength of reading glasses you will need. Luckily, being far-sighted is the less serious and more common of the two conditions, but both the onset of myopia and hyperopia can be corrected with proper eyeglasses or contact lenses as prescribed by a medical professional.

If you are experiencing any eye-sight issues, feel free to Dr. Ghosheh, today, at 1-949-582-1090. To schedule a consultation, or appointment, go to