featured image for does lasik put the retina at risk

Does Lasik Put the Retina At Risk?

Lasik is a revolutionary treatment that addresses a number of vision issues. Patients with nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism have found major improvements in their vision after Lasik. Since its inception, the treatment has continued to become more precise and effective. Unlike glasses or contacts, Lasik is a long-term solution to vision issues. Despite how safe … Read more

featured image for article about what is the best technology for lasik

What Is the Best Technology for Lasik?

Problems with your vision can severely impact your daily life. It can make things like driving, reading, physical activities, and other tasks nearly impossible without intervention. Issues such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism are common and require treatment. Lasik is a revolutionary technology that has helped millions of people with their vision. The corrective procedure … Read more

featured image of top 4 benefits of custom lasik surgery

Top 4 Benefits of Custom Lasik Surgery

Vision issues can impact your daily life and even make everyday tasks difficult. From driving to reading nutrition labels, having to wear contacts or find your glasses can be annoying. However, Lasik is a popular procedure that can correct a number of vision problems. Lasik can effectively address nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. However, personalized Lasik … Read more

Can Lasik fix farsightedness.

Can LASIK Fix Farsightedness?

There are many ways to improve your vision that don’t require invasive surgery or years of rehabilitation. But can LASIK fix farsightedness? LASIK eye surgery is a good option for both nearsighted and farsighted individuals interested in correcting their eyesight quickly and easily.  Our LASIK doctors are asked common questions such as:  Is LASIK a safe procedure? … Read more

Worst things about eyeglasses.

The Worst Things about Eyeglasses

Losing your eyesight is never easy. For many of us, it’s a gradual process that begins during childhood. For others, it comes with middle age. Either way, eyeglasses are a gift that benefit millions of people. However, that isn’t to say they don’t come with drawbacks. Anyone who has worn glasses for an extended period … Read more

Preparing for eye surgery.

Preparing for Eye Surgery

Preparing for eye surgery is a big undertaking, especially if you are worried about the procedure. It’s natural to feel scared before a big surgery, but knowing what steps you can take to properly prepare for the big day can give you better peace of mind. We aim to take the stress out of preparing … Read more

Eyesight requirements for pilots.

What Are the Eyesight Requirements for Pilots?

When we were children, our parents and teachers told us we could be anything when we grew up. The possibilities seemed limitless, and we were constantly probed to give an impressive response. Would we be a doctor, a lawyer, a pilot, or a movie star? All of these choices were depicted as perfectly attainable as … Read more

Causes of change in vision

The Causes of Change in Vision

Although studies by the National Institutes of Health suggest that the vast majority of Americans have good vision for most of their lives, the truth is that vision is not static. Anyone who wears contacts or glasses to make up for a visual impairment knows that their prescription often changes. If you’re lucky, you get … Read more

Anatomy of the eye

Anatomy of the Eye

Having good vision depends on numerous anatomical structures between the orbital bones in one’s face working together properly. There are eight different bones that protect your eyes and the structures within it. For those who don’t have the best vision, it’s likely due to an issue with one of the structures, likely the cornea. There … Read more

Am I too old for LASIK

Am I Too Old For LASIK?

It is virtually inevitable that as we age our vision deteriorates. This can be exacerbated by factors outside of just natural aging, including eye diseases, injury, eye strain, or even diabetes. No matter what your age having good vision is vitally important for daily tasks such as driving, reading, and moving around in general. While … Read more