Protect your eyes from digital strain.

Protect Your Eyes from Digital Strain

We live in a digital world. During both our working hours and recreational time, digital screens are an increasingly prominent feature in our lives. As a result, most of us are spending far more time looking at a screen than our optometrists would like. The truth is that our eyes weren’t really designed to work … Read more

Woman experiencing eye sensitivity to light in one eye

Can One Eye be More Sensitive to Light Than the Other?

Eye sensitivity to light cannot only be uncomfortable, but it can also trigger painful sensations and terrible migraines. This phenomenon is called photophobia. While for many, photophobia affects both eyes, there cases of it only affecting one eye. This is unilateral photophobia. If either of these conditions has impacted your quality of life or continued … Read more

Dim lamp on table in bedroom for eye strain

Designing an Eye-Friendly Home to Avoid Eye Strain

With the advent of certain technologies over the last few decades, more and more time is spent looking at screens. Whether it’s using a computer or tablet screen at work or looking down at one’s cell phone, eye strain is a major impact of excessive screen time. Between work and home, the average person spends … Read more

Does Dehydration Affect Vision?

Dehydration of the body occurs when there is a lack of fluid intake.  With water exiting our body every day through sweat and urination, it’s essential to replace the same amount of fluid being released to maintain a healthy balance.  Staying hydrated also helps your body’s organs to function properly.  The skin, blood, heart, and … Read more

advanced eye medical

Best Exercises for Strained Vision

Eye strain is a common problem for many of us, especially when we sit in front of a computer screen for the majority of the day. However, if you ignore eye strain, you could develop some serious vision issues. Read on to learn some simple tricks you can do at home to strengthen your eyes. … Read more