concept of lasik and floaters

Will Lasik Get Rid of Floaters?

Lasik is an effective procedure that can address a number of common vision problems. Nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism are all common vision issues that can be improved through Lasik. You may wonder, will Lasik get rid of floaters? The procedure does address issues outside or even inside your eye cavity. Below you will find more … Read more

What is the Treatment for Eye Floaters?

Eye floaters are small spots in your vision that appear like specks or floating strings of material.  When you move your eyes, they move with them too, but if you try to look at them directly, they clear out of the way.  Most eye floaters are just a minor nuisance and fade away with time, … Read more

Eye Floaters and Flashers: Should I Be Concerned?

Eye floaters are specks, flecks, spots and cobwebs that appear in your field of vision. In addition, eye flashers are flickers of light or the appearance of lightning bolts that are not there. Both are quite common in fact 7 out of 10 people have experienced the phenomenon of eye flashers and floaters. And while … Read more

Eye Floaters and Flashes: Should I Be Concerned?

Eye floaters are specks, flecks, spots, and cobwebs that appear in your field of vision. Eye flashes are flickers of light or the appearance of lightning bolts that are not actually there. Both are quite common: in fact, 7 out of 10 people have experienced either eye floaters or flashes. While eye floaters and flashes … Read more