9 Serious Eye Symptoms to Watch Out For

Routine eye exams are critical to maintaining your vision health. Early detection is crucial to avoiding serious and permanent damage from correctable eye conditions such as cataracts and glaucoma. While annual eye exams can detect and treat these progressive eye conditions, you may experience symptoms that require immediate attention such as blurry vision or eye … Read more

How Head Injuries Lead To Serious Vision Problems

There are many vision problems associated with head injuries. Millions of Americans suffer traumatic head injuries each year. Luckily the vast majority of these head traumas only cause minor brain injuries such as concussions. It is common to experience vision problems after suffering a head injury. Even minor injuries like getting Whiplash from a car … Read more

Blurred Vision? You Could Be Having Ocular Migraines

Although migraines are typically thought to manifest in the form of headaches, ocular migraines also exist. Also known as retinal migraines, ocular migraines take the form of temporary visual disturbances, and can blur the vision in either one or both eyes depending on the severity. Fortunately, ocular migraines are usually harmless, and will resolve themselves … Read more

How Daily Aspirin Is Putting Your Eyes at Risk

Studies have found that regular aspirin usage over extended periods of time can significantly increase your risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In fact, it has been shown that adults who use aspirin regularly over a ten-year-period are 63% more likely to develop AMD. Considering that 20% of adults take aspirin regularly, this increased … Read more

Lazy Eye: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Amblyopia, also known as lazy eye, is often found in children. As the most common visual impairment, lazy eye is often treatable, with most patients continuing their lives with healthy vision. If you feel your child may be suffering from amblyopia, there are treatment options available so that they can go on to lead healthy, … Read more

Eye Floaters and Flashes: Should I Be Concerned?

Eye floaters are specks, flecks, spots, and cobwebs that appear in your field of vision. Eye flashes are flickers of light or the appearance of lightning bolts that are not actually there. Both are quite common: in fact, 7 out of 10 people have experienced either eye floaters or flashes. While eye floaters and flashes … Read more

Dry Eye Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Relief

You may believe that tears are only for crying, but they are actually a necessary component of your overall eye health. Tears are your body’s way of relieving stress, sadness, grief, anxiety, and frustration. Moreover, healthy tears keep your eyes lubricated, remove external irritants, reduce stress hormones in your body, and release antibodies that ward … Read more

Macular Degeneration: A Sign of Aging Eyes

Aging is an undeniable part of life. It takes its toll on the body in many ways, from wrinkles to gray hair to diminished physical strength. In addition to all of these things, time can negatively affect the performance of the eyes. Most of us aren’t surprised by this revelation. In fact, we often come … Read more

Think You Have Pinkeye?: The Steps You Need To Take Now

Pinkeye is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, or covering of the eyeball and eyelid. This inflammation can lead to redness, tearing, itching, irritation, swollen eyelids, and pain. Pinkeye is a non-medical term usually used to describe a mild case of conjunctivitis caused by a virus or bacteria. Conjunctivitis may also be caused by an allergic … Read more

Why Are My Eyes So Watery?: Common Causes Explained

Tears keep your eyes lubricated and help them wash away any foreign objects that may end up in your eye. When you produce too little tears, or your tear ducts are blocked, your eyes produce excess tears. This can be caused by a number of conditions. While in most cases watery eyes can be treated … Read more