Woman looking at herself in the mirror wondering if cataracts go away naturally

Can Cataracts Go Away Naturally?

A cataract is a collection of proteins that have clumped together on the lens of the eye. Generally speaking, they present as a clouding over the normally clear lens. In their earliest stages, cataracts are typically only detectable by a trained professional, but they tend to expand over time. Left untreated, a cataract will spread … Read more

Clear Skies Ahead: Save Your Sight with Cataract Surgery in Orange County

More than 3 million cataract surgeries are performed in the U. S. yearly, and with the rising elderly population, this statistic is expected to grow within the next 3 years.  When you hear of cataract surgery, you probably envision ostensibly elder persons, but believe it or not, this common eye condition can begin to form … Read more