Think You Have Pinkeye?: The Steps You Need To Take Now

Pinkeye is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, or covering of the eyeball and eyelid. This inflammation can lead to redness, tearing, itching, irritation, swollen eyelids, and pain. Pinkeye is a non-medical term usually used to describe a mild case of conjunctivitis caused by a virus or bacteria. Conjunctivitis may also be caused by an allergic … Read more

Why Are My Eyes So Watery?: Common Causes Explained

Tears keep your eyes lubricated and help them wash away any foreign objects that may end up in your eye. When you produce too little tears, or your tear ducts are blocked, your eyes produce excess tears. This can be caused by a number of conditions. While in most cases watery eyes can be treated … Read more

Are You Nearsighted or Farsighted?

Two of the most common eyesight problems are nearsightedness and farsightedness. Both conditions can cause long-term vision impairment and are considered refractive disorders. Also known as myopia, nearsightedness causes objects that are far away to be viewed as blurry. Farsightedness, know as hyperopia, causes nearby objects to appear blurred. Both conditions, which are very common, … Read more

How To Eat Right For Healthy Eyesight

When people change to a healthier eating regimen, they are typically concerned with external factors, such as weight loss or appearance. However, having healthy eyesight is just as important. The eyes are a part of the vascular system, so it is best to consider a heart healthy diet that is low in trans, and saturated, … Read more

Is There Hereditary and Non-hereditary Glaucoma?

The term glaucoma refers to a series of diseases that irreversibly damage the optic nerve and can lead to vision loss and blindness, if left untreated. One significant risk factor is increased pressure inside the eye. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world after cataracts. Everyone is at risk for glaucoma, … Read more

Top 10 Questions On Eye Health Answered

As an often neglected aspect of general health and wellness, eye health is essential not only for vision, but also for daily and general activity. Within eye health, lay many misconceptions and unknown factors in regard to eye exams, eye condition, and illnesses associated with the eyes. That being in mind, here are ten common … Read more

Four Common Myths About Cataracts

You may have heard warning from your parents, or grandparents, about cataracts when you were younger. They may have spoken about how staring into the sun for too long, or not properly shielding your eyes from the elements may cause permanent damage that will lead to cataracts. While there is an element of truth to … Read more