How Head Injuries Lead To Serious Vision Problems

There are many vision problems associated with head injuries. Millions of Americans suffer traumatic head injuries each year. Luckily the vast majority of these head traumas only cause minor brain injuries such as concussions. It is common to experience vision problems after suffering a head injury. Even minor injuries like getting Whiplash from a car accident can cause vision problems. Sometimes this is due to injuries the eye sustained during the head trauma, but in other cases, it may be caused by brain damage. This is why if you experience any vision related issues following a head trauma, no matter how minor it is important to seek medical attention. In cases of severe eye damage due to head injury, you may require an optical surgery.

Some symptoms you may experience are double vision, sensitivity to light, nausea, blurry vision, headaches and words on a page may appear to move. You may also experience dizziness, disorientation, difficulty walking and balancing.

Retinal Detachment

The retina is a small layer of cells located at the back of the eye that helps convert images entering the eye into signals that travel to the brain along the optic nerve. When head injuries are sustained, particularly those from car accidents, you may experience bleeding that detaches the retina from one or both of your eyes. Retinal detachment is a serious medical condition, and you should seek emergency treatment as soon as possible. If left untreated you may be at risk of developing permanent blindness. This injury will require surgery to be corrected.

Vitreous Hemorrhage

All eyes contain a clear, jelly-like substance called the vitreous humor. Light passes through the pupil then the vitreous before hitting the retina. When you sustained a head injury, it is possible for blood vessels to bleed into the vitreous. Most Vitreous Hemorrhages clear up on their own, however you may need medication to speed your recovery and prevent serious complications.

Optic Nerve Damage

Head injuries may cause increased pressure inside the skull and in turn pressure on the optic nerve. This pressure can choke the optic nerve and cut it off from the blood it needs to nourish itself and work properly. This injury is serious enough to cause severe vision loss and possibly permanent blindness.

Other Issues

A head injury may weaken or damage the muscles that move the eye, which can decrease your field of vision. Hairline fractures to the eye socket can also cause other issues:
-Impaired visual memory.
-Right-left discrimination problems.
-Involuntary eye motion.

Now that you know how head injuries can lead to serious vision problems, be sure to speak to an eye care professional as soon as possible after sustaining a head injury. No matter how minor the head injury is you have may sustain some significant damage to your vision. And if you have any further questions or concerns about head injuries and vision problems feel free to contact us. And to set up an appointment, please visit