What is the Treatment for Eye Floaters?

Eye floaters are small spots in your vision that appear like specks or floating strings of material.  When you move your eyes, they move with them too, but if you try to look at them directly, they clear out of the way.  Most eye floaters are just a minor nuisance and fade away with time, … Read more

Why Do Some People Have Bad Night Vision?

There are millions of Americans who have issues seeing at night. For some, getting prescription glasses is the easy fix. For others, the causes could be a little bit more troublesome. Read on to learn the causes and treatment options for poor night vision. If you are looking for an Orange County LASIK specialist and … Read more

Beautiful Blonde Woman Hiding Face

Tips for Getting Rid of Under-Eye Bags

You don’t need to be old to feel old. Having bags under your eyes can certainly make you look worn out and aged, and can have serious effects on your fatigue and mental health. Nobody wants to have dark circles under their eyes. At Advanced Eye Medical, we understand how frustrating it can be to … Read more

Tired Woman With Eyeglasses

Can Cataracts Be Cured?

As unfortunate as it may sound, cataracts play a common role in the natural aging process. As our eyes grow older, the lenses in our eyes can suffer from time-telling wear and tear. Cataracts are identified by the filmy, milky layer that forms on top of the eye’s lens. These cataracts can accumulate and grow … Read more

Benefits of Eyelid Surgery

One common facial cosmetic procedure done is eyelid surgery, also known blepharoplasty.  This is a procedure done on either the upper or lower lids to help reduce the signs of aging.  As we get older, our skin begins to lose its elasticity and sag.  In the face, this happens to the eyelids, particularly the upper … Read more

What Are Polarized Lenses?

Polarized lenses are not only popular among boaters, outdoor enthusiasts and fishermen but also skiers, bikers, golfers, and joggers. As the average consumer spends more time outdoors, the interest in polarized lenses and its benefits has increased. But how do polarized sunglasses work? Polarized lenses have several benefits including reduced glare and better vision for … Read more

What Causes Night Blindness?

Night blindness occurs when a person experiences reduced night vision. It typically causes impaired vision in the darkness and does not impact vision in the light. This condition, unless accompanied by other eye disorders, is not true blindness. Even at nighttime, the eye is not ‘blind’ because the rods of the photoreceptor cells, which are … Read more

Considering Lasik Eye Surgery? Common Eye-Opening FAQs

Ready to toss the costly contacts, or ditch donning those cumbersome, fragile specs once and for all?  Maybe you’ve been seriously considered getting Lasik eye surgery in Orange County for some time, but were confused about the potentially daunting details involved in the (quite simple) common eye correction procedure, or just want to brush up … Read more

Clear Skies Ahead: Save Your Sight with Cataract Surgery in Orange County

More than 3 million cataract surgeries are performed in the U. S. yearly, and with the rising elderly population, this statistic is expected to grow within the next 3 years.  When you hear of cataract surgery, you probably envision ostensibly elder persons, but believe it or not, this common eye condition can begin to form … Read more

Seeing is Believing: Fountain of Youth Meets Functionality with Eyelid Surgery in Orange County

Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery or eye ‘lift’) is the common cosmetic procedure what removes or tightens the delicate, saggy skin around eyes, ultimately resulting in a more rested, refreshed, and rejuvenated appearance. Unsightly bagginess and puffiness, including superfluous skin, is extracted from the upper and lower lids (if necessary). The procedure boasts not only a multitude … Read more