Young person having eye exam for cataracts

Can Young People Get Cataracts?

While cataracts predominantly affect the elderly, it is possible for anyone to develop a cataract. In fact, a small percentage of babies are born with congenital cataracts. The good news is that cataracts before the age of 50 are rare. Only about 1% of all cataract cases occur before that threshold. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t … Read more

man wondering if cataracts are painful during eye exam

Are Cataracts Painful?

Cataracts are a fairly common eye condition that is more likely to occur in aging adults. Cataracts come with many problematic symptoms such as blurred vision, obstructed vision, and fading colors. But what other symptoms can arise from this vision-related ailment? Are cataracts painful? Can they be treated?  Are Cataracts Painful? Thankfully, cataracts do not … Read more

Woman getting check to see if her cataracts return

Can Cataracts Return?

Cataract surgery is an effective solution for eliminating cataracts that have grown on your eyes and obscured your vision. If you are still having trouble with your eyesight after this procedure, you may be wondering if your cataracts have come back. But can cataracts return after the surgery? Are there other symptoms similar to cataracts … Read more

Doctor explaining cataracts and family history.

Cataracts and Family History

The impact of aging can affect your vision in the form of cataracts. In fact, cataracts impacts 22 million Americans over the age of forty. It impacts more than half of Americans over the age of 80. Due to the risk of cataracts for aging adults, it’s important to understand the risk factors and signs. … Read more

Woman looking at herself in the mirror wondering if cataracts go away naturally

Can Cataracts Go Away Naturally?

A cataract is a collection of proteins that have clumped together on the lens of the eye. Generally speaking, they present as a clouding over the normally clear lens. In their earliest stages, cataracts are typically only detectable by a trained professional, but they tend to expand over time. Left untreated, a cataract will spread … Read more

Can you get cataracts when you're young.

Can You Get Cataracts As A Child?

Most often, people associate cataracts with older age. In the United States, most cataracts are age-related. They usually affect those who are over the age of 65. But there are multiple types of cataracts that can impact people of all ages. In fact, people can get cataracts when they are young. It can occur in … Read more

Does LASIK help cataracts?

Does LASIK Help With Cataracts?

What are Cataracts? Cataracts are an eye condition that causes blurry and clouded vision. It’s most common among those who are older, specifically those who are over the age of sixty. In the United States alone, cataracts affect more than 24.4 million people over the age of forty. The risk gets higher as one gets … Read more

Window cleaner cleaning cataracts from human eye. Can lasik fix cataracts?

Can Lasik Fix Cataracts?

Cataracts are a fairly common condition among Americans. It affects more than 24.4 million Americans over the age of forty. Approximately half of all Americans ages 75 or older have cataracts. Due to a large number of people suffering from cataracts, treatment technology is making leaps and bounds. You may have heard of Lasik eye … Read more

Older woman holding her eyes, struggling with vision loss. Deciding on iLasik in Orange County.

What Causes Gradual Vision Loss? Should You be Worried?

It’s no secret that our eyes deteriorate over time. As you grow older, your vision begins to weaken, much like other aspects of your body as well. One of the biggest concerns our Advanced Eye Medical patients are faced with is the fear that their vision will go fast, without anything to stop it. But … Read more

Most Common Eye Problems with Old Age

Changes in your eyesight will happen throughout your entire life as you grow. However, as you begin to age beyond your forties, your eyes will begin to change more significantly than during earlier stages in your life. While these changes should be regularly monitored, they are still normal to experience as you age. Small changes … Read more