Common Eye Injuries and How to Treat Them

Our eyes keep a vigil lookout for any potential dangers that may cause us bodily harm. But what happens when the eye itself is hurt? It leaves us vulnerable, discombobulated, and most notably, pained.

The eyeball is incredibly fragile; that’s why your mother always told you not to stick anything in there. But mom was really on to something. Share this article with her and thank her for keeping your peepers healthy for so many years.

The following is a list of eye injury guidelines that will help you keep your vision clear and unscathed.

General Rule of Thumb: No Thumbs

When an eye injury occurs, our immediate instinct is to rub the pain away, but instincts can be dangerous. It is never a good idea to manipulate, irritate, or in any way scratch the retina, even if it gives you temporary pain relief. There may be some complex trauma going on that you can’t see with your naked, and afflicted, eye; avoid rubbing and you’ll avoid exacerbating the damage.

This blanket rule applies to common eye injuries in general, but now let’s drill down and get specific about various eye injuries.

Black Eyes on the Prize

Blunt trauma to the face sometimes leaves you looking like a one-eyed bandit, but black eyes are just unfashionable bruises. The best way to treat them is with a cold compress, but don’t press too hard. Just place a chilled cloth against the area gently. If your eye continues to hurt or swell up, then your best course of action would be to visit a doctor for further instruction.

Stray Objects

“Stray objects” covers a lot of ground, right? Well, let’s end with the vagaries and talk turkey.

  • SMALL ITEMS – If dust or sand blows into your eye, the best solution is solution, namely eyewash. Flush until your vision clears and pain subsides.
  • LARGER ITEMS – When a more sizable chunk of debris affects your eye, here’s what you do: gently pull your upper lid down over the lashes of your lower lid and blink repeatedly and rapidly. You will produce natural tears that should help flush out the unwanted visitor.

In either of the above scenarios, if the item doesn’t exit your eye, try to keep it closed and get a loved one to drive you to the doctor’s office.

Chemical Spills

Toxic chemicals lurk in virtually every household worldwide. Cleaning products, cosmetics, hot sauce – you don’t want any of these dousing your eyes. Rinse the offending chemicals out with water or eyewash. If irritation continues, consult a medical professional.

Staring at the Sun

First of all, don’t stare at the sun. Always wear sunglasses when you’re braving the bright rays of summer and avoid direct visual contact with that blazing celestial wonder in the sky. But if you do happen to suffer UV exposure, stay in a darker space for a few days and lubricate your eyes with drops.


Speaking of seeing your doctor, this situation demands medical attention. Don’t rinse the wound with water or take ant-inflammatory pills because either of these actions could accelerate blood loss. Also, do not try to remove the item yourself. Just avoid manipulating it and get to an emergency room.

The human eye is marvelously complex. Even if you used one of the aforementioned remedies for any common eye injuries, you may still suffer complications further down the road. If you have any lingering concerns, please contact our offices for help, health, and happiness. Our goal is to look out for you!